We use a C implementation for our Nock interpreter. But building a Nock interpreter in another language is a fun exercise. Check out our community Nock implementations, shown below our official C implementation. (Note: the community implementations were written for a slightly older version of Nock, Nock 5K. The current version is Nock 4K.):
Table of Contents
C Implementation
The actual production Nock interpreter. Note gotos for tail-call elimination, and manual reference counting. More about the C environment can be found in the runtime system documentation.
/* _n_nock_on(): produce .*(bus fol). Do not virtualize.*/static u3_noun_n_nock_on(u3_noun bus, u3_noun fol){u3_noun hib, gal;while ( 1 ) {hib = u3h(fol);gal = u3t(fol);#ifdef U3_CPU_DEBUGu3R->pro.nox_d += 1;#endifif ( c3y == u3r_du(hib) ) {u3_noun poz, riv;poz = _n_nock_on(u3k(bus), u3k(hib));riv = _n_nock_on(bus, u3k(gal));u3a_lose(fol);return u3i_cell(poz, riv);}else switch ( hib ) {default: return u3m_bail(c3__exit);case 0: {if ( c3n == u3r_ud(gal) ) {return u3m_bail(c3__exit);}else {u3_noun pro = u3k(u3at(gal, bus));u3a_lose(bus); u3a_lose(fol);return pro;}}c3_assert(!"not reached");case 1: {u3_noun pro = u3k(gal);u3a_lose(bus); u3a_lose(fol);return pro;}c3_assert(!"not reached");case 2: {u3_noun nex = _n_nock_on(u3k(bus), u3k(u3t(gal)));u3_noun seb = _n_nock_on(bus, u3k(u3h(gal)));u3a_lose(fol);bus = seb;fol = nex;continue;}c3_assert(!"not reached");case 3: {u3_noun gof, pro;gof = _n_nock_on(bus, u3k(gal));pro = u3r_du(gof);u3a_lose(gof); u3a_lose(fol);return pro;}c3_assert(!"not reached");case 4: {u3_noun gof, pro;gof = _n_nock_on(bus, u3k(gal));pro = u3i_vint(gof);u3a_lose(fol);return pro;}c3_assert(!"not reached");case 5: {u3_noun wim = _n_nock_on(bus, u3k(gal));u3_noun pro = u3r_sing(u3h(wim), u3t(wim));u3a_lose(wim); u3a_lose(fol);return pro;}c3_assert(!"not reached");case 6: {u3_noun b_gal, c_gal, d_gal;u3x_trel(gal, &b_gal, &c_gal, &d_gal);{u3_noun tys = _n_nock_on(u3k(bus), u3k(b_gal));u3_noun nex;if ( 0 == tys ) {nex = u3k(c_gal);} else if ( 1 == tys ) {nex = u3k(d_gal);} else return u3m_bail(c3__exit);u3a_lose(fol);fol = nex;continue;}}c3_assert(!"not reached");case 7: {u3_noun b_gal, c_gal;u3x_cell(gal, &b_gal, &c_gal);{u3_noun bod = _n_nock_on(bus, u3k(b_gal));u3_noun nex = u3k(c_gal);u3a_lose(fol);bus = bod;fol = nex;continue;}}c3_assert(!"not reached");case 8: {u3_noun b_gal, c_gal;u3x_cell(gal, &b_gal, &c_gal);{u3_noun heb = _n_nock_on(u3k(bus), u3k(b_gal));u3_noun bod = u3nc(heb, bus);u3_noun nex = u3k(c_gal);u3a_lose(fol);bus = bod;fol = nex;continue;}}c3_assert(!"not reached");case 9: {u3_noun b_gal, c_gal;u3x_cell(gal, &b_gal, &c_gal);{u3_noun seb = _n_nock_on(bus, u3k(c_gal));u3_noun pro;u3t_off(noc_o);pro = u3j_kick(seb, b_gal);u3t_on(noc_o);if ( u3_none != pro ) {u3a_lose(fol);return pro;}else {if ( c3n == u3r_ud(b_gal) ) {return u3m_bail(c3__exit);}else {u3_noun nex = u3k(u3at(b_gal, seb));u3a_lose(fol);bus = seb;fol = nex;continue;}}}}c3_assert(!"not reached");case 10: {u3_noun p_gal, q_gal;u3x_cell(gal, &p_gal, &q_gal);{u3_noun zep, hod, nex;if ( c3y == u3r_du(p_gal) ) {u3_noun b_gal = u3h(p_gal);u3_noun c_gal = u3t(p_gal);u3_noun d_gal = q_gal;zep = u3k(b_gal);hod = _n_nock_on(u3k(bus), u3k(c_gal));nex = u3k(d_gal);}else {u3_noun b_gal = p_gal;u3_noun c_gal = q_gal;zep = u3k(b_gal);hod = u3_nul;nex = u3k(c_gal);}u3a_lose(fol);return _n_hint(zep, hod, bus, nex);}}case 11: {u3_noun ref = _n_nock_on(u3k(bus), u3k(u3h(gal)));u3_noun gof = _n_nock_on(bus, u3k(u3t(gal)));u3_noun val;u3t_off(noc_o);val = u3m_soft_esc(ref, u3k(gof));u3t_on(noc_o);if ( !_(u3du(val)) ) {u3m_bail(u3nt(1, gof, 0));}if ( !_(u3du(u3t(val))) ) {//// replace with proper error stack push//u3t_push(u3nc(c3__hunk, _n_mush(gof)));return u3m_bail(c3__exit);}else {u3_noun pro;u3z(gof);u3z(fol);pro = u3k(u3t(u3t(val)));u3z(val);return pro;}}c3_assert(!"not reached");}}}
From Matt Earnshaw↗:
(ns anock.core(:import anock.NockException))(declare atom? cell? cell)(defn noun?"A noun is an atom or a cell."[noun & ns](if ns false(or (atom? noun) (cell? noun))))(defn atom?"An atom is a natural number."[noun & ns](if ns false(and (integer? noun) (>= noun 0))))(defn cell?"A cell is an ordered pair of nouns."[noun](cond(atom? noun) false(nil? noun) false(not= 2 (count noun)) false:else (and (noun? (first noun))(noun? (second noun)))))(defn tis"= (pronounced 'tis') tests a cell for equality."[noun](if (atom? noun) (throw (anock.NockException. "Cannot tis an atom."))(let [[a b] noun](if (= a b) 0 1))))(defn wut"? (pronounced 'wut') tests whether a noun is a cell."[noun](cond(atom? noun) 1(cell? noun) 0:else (throw (anock.NockException. "Invalid noun."))))(defn lus"+ (pronounced 'lus') adds 1 to an atom."[noun](if (atom? noun) (inc noun)(throw (anock.NockException. "Can only lus atoms."))))(defn fas"/ (pronounced 'fas') is a tree address function."[noun](if (atom? noun) (throw (anock.NockException. "Cannot fas an atom."))(let [[a b] (cell noun)](assert (and (pos? a) (atom? a)) "Subject of fas must be a positive atom.")(if (and (not (coll? b)) (or (= 2 a) (= 3 a)))(throw (anock.NockException. (str "Cannot fas noun: " noun))))(cond(= 1 a) b(= 2 a) (first b)(= 3 a) (second b)(even? a) (fas [2 (fas [(/ a 2) b])])(odd? a) (fas [3 (fas [(/ (dec a) 2) b])])))))(defn tar"* (pronounced 'tar') means Nock"[noun](if (atom? noun) (throw (anock.NockException. "Cannot tar an atom."))(try(let [noun (cell noun) [x [y z]] noun](cond(cell? y) (cell (tar [x y]) (tar [x z]))(zero? y) (fas [z x])(= 1 y) z(= 3 y) (wut (tar [x z]))(= 4 y) (lus (tar [x z]))(= 5 y) (tis (tar [x z])):else (let [[p q] z](cond(= 2 y) (tar [(tar [x p]) (tar [x q])])(= 6 y) (tar [x 2 [0 1] 2 [1 (first q) (second q)][1 0] 2 [1 2 3] [1 0] 4 4 p])(= 7 y) (tar [x 2 p 1 q])(= 8 y) (tar [x 7 [[7 [0 1] p] 0 1] q])(= 9 y) (tar [x 7 q 2 [0 1] 0 p])(= 10 y) (if (cell? p)(tar [x 8 (second p) 7 [0 3] q])(tar [x q]))))))(catch RuntimeException e(throw (anock.NockException. (str "Cannot tar the noun " noun)))))))(def nock tar); Some convenience functions(defn apply* [f x](if (and (= 1 (count x)) (coll? (first x)))(apply f x)(f x)))(defn bracket"[a b c] -> [a [b c]]"[[a & b :as c]](let [b (vec b)](cond(and (noun? a) (apply noun? b)) (vec c)(apply noun? b) (apply vector (bracket a) b)(noun? a) [a (apply* bracket b)]:else [(bracket a) (apply* bracket b)])))(defn cell [& nouns](if (apply atom? nouns)(throw (anock.NockException. "Cannot convert atom to cell."))(apply* bracket nouns)))
From Julien Beasley↗:
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Text.RegularExpressions;namespace NockInterpreter{class Interpreter{static Dictionary<string, Noun> memocache = new Dictionary<string, Noun>();public static Noun Nock(Noun noun){Start:Noun cache_noun;if (memocache.TryGetValue(noun.ToString(), out cache_noun)){return cache_noun;}if (Atom.IsAtom(noun))throw new Exception("Infinite loop nocking an atom: " + noun.ToString());else{Noun subject = noun.n1;if (Noun.IsCell(noun.n2)){Cell formula = (Cell)noun.n2;if (Noun.IsAtom(formula.n1)) // we have lines 25-37 of spec{Atom op = (Atom)formula.n1;Noun operands = formula.n2;switch (op.value){case 0: // 25 :: *[a 0 b] /[b a]memocache[noun.ToString()] = fas(operands, subject);return memocache[noun.ToString()];case 1: // 26 :: *[a 1 b] bmemocache[noun.ToString()] = operands;return memocache[noun.ToString()];case 2: // 27 :: *[a 2 b c] *[*[a b] *[a c]]if (Noun.IsCell(operands)){Noun a = Nock(subject, operands.n1);Noun b = Nock(subject, operands.n2);noun = Noun.CreateNoun(a, b);goto Start;// return Nock(Nock(subject, operands.n1), Nock(subject, operands.n2));}throw new Exception("Atom after operand 2: " + operands.ToString());case 3: // 28 :: *[a 3 b] ?*[a b]memocache[noun.ToString()] = wut(Nock(subject, operands));return memocache[noun.ToString()];case 4: // 29 :: *[a 4 b] +*[a b]memocache[noun.ToString()] = lus(Nock(subject, operands));return memocache[noun.ToString()];case 5: // 30 :: *[a 5 b] =*[a b]memocache[noun.ToString()] = tis(Nock(subject, operands));return memocache[noun.ToString()];case 6: // 32 :: *[a 6 b c d] *[a 2 [0 1] 2 [1 c d] [1 0] 2 [1 2 3] [1 0] 4 4 b]if (Noun.IsCell(operands) && Noun.IsCell(operands.n2)){Noun b = operands.n1;Noun c = operands.n2.n1;Noun d = operands.n2.n2;noun = Noun.CreateNoun("[" + subject + " 2 [0 1] 2 [1 " + c + " " + d + "] [1 0] 2 [1 2 3] [1 0] 4 4 " + b + "]");goto Start;// return Nock(Noun.CreateNoun("[" + subject + " 2 [0 1] 2 [1 " + c + " " + d + "] [1 0] 2 [1 2 3] [1 0] 4 4 " + b + "]"));}throw new Exception("Unhandled pattern for operand 6");case 7: // 33 :: *[a 7 b c] *[a 2 b 1 c]if (Noun.IsCell(operands)){Noun b = operands.n1;Noun c = operands.n2;noun = Noun.CreateNoun("[" + subject + " 2 " + b + " 1 " + c + "]");goto Start;// return Nock(Noun.CreateNoun("[" + subject + " 2 " + b + " 1 " + c + "]"));}throw new Exception("Atom after operand 7: " + operands.ToString());case 8: // 34 :: *[a 8 b c] *[a 7 [[7 [0 1] b] 0 1] c]if (Noun.IsCell(operands)){Noun b = operands.n1;Noun c = operands.n2;noun = Noun.CreateNoun("[" + subject + " 7 [[7 [0 1] " + b + "] 0 1] " + c + "]");goto Start;// return Nock(Noun.CreateNoun("[" + subject + " 7 [[7 [0 1] " + b + "] 0 1] " + c + "]"));}throw new Exception("Atom after operand 8: " + operands.ToString());case 9: // 35 :: *[a 9 b c] *[a 7 c 2 [0 1] 0 b]if (Noun.IsCell(operands)){Noun b = operands.n1;Noun c = operands.n2;noun = Noun.CreateNoun("[" + subject + " 7 " + c + " 2 [0 1] 0 " + b + "]");goto Start;// return Nock(Noun.CreateNoun("[" + subject + " 7 " + c + " 2 [0 1] 0 " + b + "]"));}throw new Exception("Atom after operand 9: " + operands.ToString());case 10:if (Noun.IsCell(operands)){if (Noun.IsCell(operands.n1)) // 36 :: *[a 10 [b c] d] *[a 8 c 7 [0 3] d]{Noun b = operands.n1.n1;Noun c = operands.n1.n2;Noun d = operands.n2;noun = Noun.CreateNoun("[" + subject + " 8 " + c + " 7 [0 3] " + d + "]");goto Start;// return Nock(Noun.CreateNoun("[" + subject + " 8 " + c + " 7 [0 3] " + d + "]"));}else // 37 :: *[a 10 b c] *[a c]{Noun c = operands.n2;noun = Noun.CreateNoun(subject, c);goto Start;// return Nock(subject, c);}}throw new Exception("Atom after operand 10: " + operands.ToString());default:throw new Exception("Unknown operand: " + op.value);}}else // 23 :: *[a [b c] d] [*[a b c] *[a d]]{memocache[noun.ToString()] = Noun.CreateNoun(Nock(subject, formula.n1), Nock(subject, formula.n2));return memocache[noun.ToString()];}}}throw new Exception("Unhandled pattern");}public static Noun Nock(string program){Noun noun = Noun.CreateNoun(program);return Nock(noun);}public static Noun Nock(Noun n1, Noun n2){Noun noun = Noun.CreateNoun(n1, n2);return Nock(noun);}private static Noun tis(Noun noun){if (Noun.IsAtom(noun.ToString()))throw new Exception("Infinite loop tising an atom: " + noun.ToString());else{Cell cell = (Cell)noun;if (cell.n1.ToString() == cell.n2.ToString())return Noun.CreateNoun("0");elsereturn Noun.CreateNoun("1");}}private static Noun lus(Noun noun){if (Noun.IsAtom(noun.ToString())){Atom a = (Atom)noun;int v = a.value + 1;return Noun.CreateNoun(v.ToString());}elsethrow new Exception("Infinite loop lusing a cell: " + noun.ToString());}private static Noun wut(Noun noun){if (Noun.IsAtom(noun.ToString()))return Noun.CreateNoun("1");elsereturn Noun.CreateNoun("0");}private static Noun fas(Noun n1, Noun n2){Noun noun = Noun.CreateNoun(n1, n2);return fas(noun);}private static Noun fas(Noun noun){if (Noun.IsAtom(noun.ToString()))throw new Exception("Infinite loop fasing an atom: " + noun.ToString());else{Cell c = (Cell)noun;// If n1 isn't an atom, I assume we throw? This isn't defined in the spec. Confirmed by John B by email. This spins forever.if (Noun.IsCell(c.n1.ToString()))throw new Exception("Axis must be an atom: " + c.ToString());else{Atom a = (Atom)c.n1;if (a.value == 1)return c.n2;else if (a.value >= 2){if (!Noun.IsCell(c.n2.ToString())){throw new Exception("Only a cell can have an axis of 2 or 3: " + c.n2.ToString());}else{Cell c2 = (Cell)c.n2;if (a.value == 2)return c2.n1;else if (a.value == 3)return c2.n2;else if (a.value % 2 == 0){int half = a.value / 2;return fas(Noun.CreateNoun("2", fas(Noun.CreateNoun(half.ToString(), c2))));}else if (a.value % 2 == 1){int half = a.value / 2;return fas(Noun.CreateNoun("3", fas(Noun.CreateNoun(half.ToString(), c2))));}else{throw new Exception("Infinite loop somewhere in fasing: " + c.n2.ToString());}}}}throw new Exception("Infinite loop somewhere in fasing: " + c.n2.ToString());}}}class Noun{public Noun n1;public Noun n2;// takes a program, returns a pair of nouns, stringified.public static Tuple<string, string> SplitCell(string program){int stackCount = 0;int i = 0;// split the string right after the first spaceforeach (char c in program){if (IsValidChar(c)){if (c == '[')stackCount++;else if (c == ']')stackCount--;else if (c == ' '){// if we see a space, and our stack count is at 1, then we've found our split pointif (stackCount == 1){string a = program.Substring(1, i - 1);string b = program.Substring(i + 1, program.Length - (i + 2));// to implement proper bracket closing, surround b with brackets if it isn't a cell and isn't an atomif (!IsCell(b) && !IsAtom(b))b = "[" + b + "]";Tuple<string, string> tuple = new Tuple<string, string>(a, b);return tuple;}}}elsethrow new Exception("Invalid char in cell: " + c);i++;}throw new Exception("Invalid cell: " + program);}public static bool IsCell(string program){// check if cell is valid, as above but make sure no space after bracket// valid tokens are: space, int, [, ]// from [ => [, int// from int => space, ], int// from ] => space, ]// from space => int, [// stack count must always be nonzero// first and last elements must be [ and ]int i = 0; // i is the stack count for brackets.int counter = 0;char s = '\0'; // s is the last seen character// split the string right after the first spaceforeach (char c in program){if (s == '\0'){if (c != '[')return false;}else if (s == '['){if (!(c == '[' || IsInt(c)))return false;}else if (IsInt(s)){if (!(IsInt(c) || c == ' ' || c == ']'))return false;}else if (s == ']'){if (!(c == ']' || c == ' '))return false;}else if (s == ' '){if (!(c == '[' || IsInt(c)))return false;}s = c;counter++;if (c == '[')i++;else if (c == ']')i--;if (i <= 0 && counter != program.Length) // stack count can't be zero unless it's the last characterreturn false;}// We should end with stack count of zeroif (i == 0)return true;elsereturn false;}public static bool IsInt(char c){if (c == '0' ||c == '1' ||c == '2' ||c == '3' ||c == '4' ||c == '5' ||c == '6' ||c == '7' ||c == '8' ||c == '9')return true;elsereturn false;}public static bool IsValidChar(char c){if (c == ' ' ||c == '[' ||c == ']' ||IsInt(c))return true;elsereturn false;}public static bool IsAtom(string program){int i = 0;if (int.TryParse(program, out i)){if (i >= 0)return true;}return false;}public static bool IsAtom(Noun noun){return IsAtom(noun.ToString());}public static bool IsCell(Noun noun){return IsCell(noun.ToString());}public static Noun CreateNoun(string program){if (IsAtom(program))return new Atom(program);elsereturn new Cell(program);}public static Noun CreateNoun(Noun n1, Noun n2){return CreateNoun("[" + n1.ToString() + " " + n2.ToString() + "]");}public static Noun CreateNoun(string p1, Noun n2){return CreateNoun("[" + p1 + " " + n2.ToString() + "]");}public static Noun CreateNoun(Noun n1, string p2){return CreateNoun("[" + n1.ToString() + " " + p2 + "]");}public static Noun CreateNoun(string p1, string p2){return CreateNoun("[" + p1 + " " + p2 + "]");}}class Atom : Noun{public int value;public override string ToString(){return value.ToString();}public Atom(string program){if (IsAtom(program)){int i = 0;bool result = int.TryParse(program, out i);value = i;}elsethrow new ArgumentException("Invalid Atom: " + program);n1 = null;n2 = null;}}class Cell : Noun{public override string ToString(){return "[" + n1.ToString() + " " + n2.ToString() + "]";}public Cell(string program){if (IsCell(program)){Tuple<string, string> split = SplitCell(program);n1 = CreateNoun(split.Item1);n2 = CreateNoun(split.Item2);}elsethrow new ArgumentException("Invalid Cell: " + program);}}}
From Kohányi Róbert↗:
@Memoizeddef i(def a) {a.class in [byte, Byte,char, Character,short, Short,int, Integer,long, Long,BigInteger] && a >= 0}@Memoizeddef n(def a) {def rn(a, { r = it })r}@TailRecursivedef n(def a, def r) {if (a in List) {if (a.size() == 1) {r(a[0])} else if (a.size() >= 2) {n(a[0], { t ->n(a.size() == 2 ? a[1] : a.tail(), { h ->r([t, h])})})} else {throw new IllegalStateException()}} else if (i(a)) {r((BigInteger) a)} else {throw new IllegalStateException()}}@Memoizeddef wut(def a) {i(a) ? 1 : 0}@Memoizeddef lus(def a) {if (wut(a) == 0) {throw new IllegalStateException()}1 + a}@Memoizeddef tis(def a) {if (wut(a) == 1) {throw new IllegalStateException()}a[0] == a[1] ? 0 : 1}@Memoizeddef fas(def a) {def rfas(a, { r = it })r}@TailRecursivedef fas(def a, def r) {if (wut(a) == 1) {throw new IllegalStateException()}def h = a[0]if (!i(h)) {throw new IllegalStateException()}def t = a[1]if (h == 0) {throw new IllegalStateException()} else if (h == 1) {r(t)} else {if (i(t)) {throw new IllegalStateException()}if (h == 2) {r(t[0])} else if (h == 3) {r(t[1])} else {fas([h.intdiv(2), t], { p ->fas([2 + h.mod(2), p], { q ->r(q)})})}}}@Memoizeddef tar(def a) {def rtar(a, { r = it})r}@TailRecursivedef tar(def a, def r) {if (wut(a) == 1) {throw new IllegalStateException()}def s = a[0]def f = a[1]if (wut(f) == 1) {throw new IllegalStateException()}def o = f[0]def v = f[1]if (wut(o) == 0) {tar([s, o], { p ->tar([s, v], { q ->r([p, q])})})} else {if (o == 0) {r(fas([v, s]))} else if (o == 1) {r(v)} else if (o == 3) {tar([s, v], {r(wut(it))})} else if (o == 4) {tar([s, v], {r(lus(it))})} else if (o == 5) {tar([s, v], {r(tis(it))})} else {if (wut(v) == 1) {throw new IllegalStateException()}def x = v[0]def y = v[1]if (o == 2) {tar([s, x], { p ->tar([s, y], { q ->tar([p, q], {r(it)})})})} else if (o == 7) {tar(n([s, 2, x, 1, y]), {r(it)})} else if (o == 8) {tar(n([s, 7, [[7, [0, 1], x], 0, 1], y]), {r(it)})} else if (o == 9) {tar(n([s, 7, y, 2, [0, 1], 0, x]), {r(it)})} else if (o == 10) {if (wut(x) == 1) {tar([s, y], {r(it)})} else {tar(n([s, 8, x[1], 7, [0, 3], y]), {r(it)})}} else {if (wut(y) == 1) {throw new IllegalStateException()}if (o == 6) {tar(n([s, 2, [0, 1], 2, [1, y[0], y[1]], [1, 0], 2, [1, 2, 3], [1, 0], 4, 4, x]), {r(it)})} else {throw new IllegalStateException()}}}}}
From Steve Dee↗:
module Language.Nock5K.Spec whereimport Control.Monad.Instanceswut (a :- b) = return $ Atom 0wut a = return $ Atom 1lus (a :- b) = Left "+[a b]"lus (Atom a) = return $ Atom (1 + a)tis (a :- a') | a == a' = return $ Atom 0tis (a :- b) = return $ Atom 1tis a = Left "=a"fas (Atom 1 :- a) = return afas (Atom 2 :- a :- b) = return afas (Atom 3 :- a :- b) = return bfas (Atom a :- b) | a > 3 = do x <- fas $ Atom (a `div` 2) :- bfas $ Atom (2 + (a `mod` 2)) :- xfas a = Left "/a"tar (a :- (b :- c) :- d) = do x <- tar (a :- b :- c)y <- tar (a :- d)return $ x :- ytar (a :- Atom 0 :- b) = fas $ b :- atar (a :- Atom 1 :- b) = return btar (a :- Atom 2 :- b :- c) = do x <- tar (a :- b)y <- tar (a :- c)tar $ x :- ytar (a :- Atom 3 :- b) = tar (a :- b) >>= wuttar (a :- Atom 4 :- b) = tar (a :- b) >>= lustar (a :- Atom 5 :- b) = tar (a :- b) >>= tistar (a :- Atom 6 :- b :- c :- d) = tar (a :- Atom 2 :- (Atom 0 :- Atom 1) :-Atom 2 :- (Atom 1 :- c :- d) :-(Atom 1 :- Atom 0) :- Atom 2 :-(Atom 1 :- Atom 2 :- Atom 3) :-(Atom 1 :- Atom 0) :- Atom 4 :-Atom 4 :- b)tar (a :- Atom 7 :- b :- c) = tar (a :- Atom 2 :- b :- Atom 1 :- c)tar (a :- Atom 8 :- b :- c) = tar (a :- Atom 7 :-((Atom 7 :- (Atom 0 :- Atom 1) :- b) :-Atom 0 :- Atom 1) :- c)tar (a :- Atom 9 :- b :- c) = tar (a :- Atom 7 :- c :- Atom 2 :-(Atom 0 :- Atom 1) :- Atom 0 :- b)tar (a :- Atom 10 :- (b :- c) :- d) = tar (a :- Atom 8 :- c :- Atom 7 :-(Atom 0 :- Atom 3) :- d)tar (a :- Atom 10 :- b :- c) = tar (a :- c)tar a = Left "*a"
|= {sub/* fol/*}^- *?< ?=(@ fol)?: ?=(^ -.fol)[$(fol -.fol) $(fol +.fol)]?+ fol!!{$0 b/@}?< =(0 b.fol)?: =(1 b.fol) sub?< ?=(@ sub)=+ [now=(cap b.fol) lat=(mas b.fol)]$(b.fol lat, sub ?:(=(2 now) -.sub +.sub))::{$1 b/*}b.fol::{$2 b/{^ *}}=+ ben=$(fol b.fol)$(sub -.ben, fol +.ben)::{$3 b/*}=+ ben=$(fol b.fol).?(ben)::{$4 b/*}=+ ben=$(fol b.fol)?> ?=(@ ben)+(ben)::{$5 b/*}=+ ben=$(fol b.fol)?> ?=(^ ben)=(-.ben +.ben)::{$6 b/* c/* d/*}$(fol =>(fol [2 [0 1] 2 [1 c d] [1 0] 2 [1 2 3] [1 0] 4 4 b]))::{$7 b/* c/*} $(fol =>(fol [2 b 1 c])){$8 b/* c/*} $(fol =>(fol [7 [[7 [0 1] b] 0 1] c])){$9 b/* c/*} $(fol =>(fol [7 c 2 [0 1] 0 b])){$10 @ c/*} $(fol c.fol){$10 {b/* c/*} d/*} =+($(fol c.fol) $(fol d.fol))==
From Joe Bryan↗:
(function (self, factory) {'use strict'if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {define([], factory)} else if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object') {module.exports = factory()} else {self.nock = factory()}}(this, function () {'use strict'/*** Nock is a combinator interpreter on nouns. A noun is an atom or a cell.* An atom is an unsigned integer of any size; a cell is an ordered pair of nouns.** @see http://urbit.org/language/nock/reference/definition/* @see https://media.urbit.org/whitepaper.pdf*/var useMacros = false/** code conventions:** `n` is a noun,* `s` is a subject noun,* `f` is a formula (or cell of formulas)*//* operators *//*** wut (?): test for atom (1) or cell (0)** ?[a b] 0* ?a 1*/function wut (n) {return typeof n === 'number' ? 1 : 0}/*** lus (+): increment an atom** +[a b] +[a b]* +a 1 + a*/function lus (n) {if (wut(n) === 0) throw new Error('lus cell')return 1 + n}/*** tis (=): test equality** =[a a] 0* =[a b] 1* =a =a*/function tis (n) {if (wut(n) === 1) throw new Error('tis atom')return deepEqual(n[0], n[1]) ? 0 : 1}/*** fas (/): resolve a tree address** /[1 a] a* /[2 a b] a* /[3 a b] b* /[(a + a) b] /[2 /[a b]]* /[(a + a + 1) b] /[3 /[a b]]* /a /a*/function fas (addr, n) {if (n === undefined) throw new Error('invalid fas noun')if (addr === 0) throw new Error('invalid fas addr: 0')if (addr === 1) return nif (addr === 2) return n[0]if (addr === 3) return n[1]return fas(2 + (addr % 2), fas((addr / 2) | 0, n))}/* formulas *//*** slot (0): resolve a tree address** *[a 0 b] /[b a]*/function slot (s, f) {var p = fas(f, s)if (p === undefined) throw new Error('invalid fas addr: ' + f)return p}/*** constant (1): return the formula regardless of subject** *[a 1 b] b*/function constant (s, f) {return f}/*** evaluate (2): evaluate the product of second formula against the product of the first** *[a 2 b c] *[*[a b] *[a c]]*/function evaluate (s, f) {return nock(nock(s, f[0]), nock(s, f[1]))}/*** cell (3): test if the product is a cell** *[a 3 b] ?*[a b]*/function cell (s, f) {return wut(nock(s, f))}/*** incr (4): increment the product** *[a 4 b] +*[a b]*/function incr (s, f) {return lus(nock(s, f))}/*** eq (5): test for equality between nouns in the product** *[a 5 b] =*[a b]*/function eq (s, f) {return tis(nock(s, f))}/* macro-formulas *//*** ife (6): if/then/else** *[a 6 b c d] *[a 2 [0 1] 2 [1 c d] [1 0] 2 [1 2 3] [1 0] 4 4 b]*/function macroIfe (s, f) {return nock(s, [2, [[0, 1], [2, [[1, [f[1][0], f[1][1]]], [[1, 0], [2, [[1, [2, 3]], [[1, 0], [4, [4, f[0]]]]]]]]]]])}function ife (s, f) {var cond = nock(s, f[0])if (cond === 0) return nock(s, f[1][0])if (cond === 1) return nock(s, f[1][1])throw new Error('invalid ife conditional')}/*** compose (7): evaluate formulas composed left-to-right** *[a 7 b c] *[a 2 b 1 c]*/function macroCompose (s, f) {return nock(s, [2, [f[0], [1, f[1]]]])}function compose (s, f) {// alternate form:// return nock(nock(s, f[0]), constant(s, f[1]))return nock(nock(s, f[0]), f[1])}/*** extend (8): evaluate the second formula against [product of first, subject]** *[a 8 b c] *[a 7 [[7 [0 1] b] 0 1] c]*/function macroExtend (s, f) {return nock(s, [7, [[[7, [[0, 1], f[0]]], [0, 1]], f[1]]])}function extend (s, f) {// alternate form:// return nock([compose(s, [[0, 1], f[0]]), s], f[1])return nock([nock(s, f[0]), s], f[1])}/*** invoke (9): construct a core and evaluate one of its arms against it** *[a 9 b c] *[a 7 c 2 [0 1] 0 b]*/function macroInvoke (s, f) {return nock(s, [7, [f[1], [2, [[0, 1], [0, f[0]]]]]])}function invoke (s, f) {var prod = nock(s, f[1])return nock(prod, slot(prod, f[0]))}/*** hint (10): skip first formula, evaluate second** *[a 10 [b c] d] *[a 8 c 7 [0 3] d]* *[a 10 b c] *[a c]*/function macroHint (s, f) {if (wut(f[0]) === 0) return nock(s, [8, [f[0][1], [7, [[0, 3], f[1]]]]])return nock(s, f[1])}function hint (s, f) {if (wut(f[0]) === 0) {if (wut(f[0][1]) === 1) throw new Error('invalid hint')nock(s, f[0][1])}return nock(s, f[1])}/* indexed formula functions */var macroFormulas = [slot, constant, evaluate, cell, incr, eq, macroIfe, macroCompose, macroExtend, macroInvoke, macroHint]var formulas = [slot, constant, evaluate, cell, incr, eq, ife, compose, extend, invoke, hint]/*** nock (*)** the nock function** *[a [b c] d] [*[a b c] *[a d]]* *a *a*/function nock (s, f) {if (wut(f[0]) === 0) return [nock(s, f[0]), nock(s, f[1])]var idx = f[0]if (idx > 10) throw new Error('invalid formula: ' + idx)if (useMacros) return macroFormulas[idx](s, f[1])return formulas[idx](s, f[1])}/* construct a JS noun (group an array into pairs, associating right) */function assoc (x) {if (!x.length) return xif (x.length === 1) return assoc(x[0])return [assoc(x[0]), assoc(x.slice(1))]}/* deep equality for arrays or primitives */function deepEqual (a, b) {if (a === b) return trueif (!(Array.isArray(a) && Array.isArray(b))) return falseif (a.length !== b.length) return falsefor (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {if (!deepEqual(a[i], b[i])) return false}return true}/* parse a hoon-serialized nock formula and construct a JS noun */function parseNoun (x) {if (Array.isArray(x)) return assoc(x)if (typeof x === 'string') {var str = x.replace(/[\."']/g, '').split(' ').join(',')return assoc(JSON.parse(str))}return x}function nockInterface () {var args = [].slice.call(arguments)var subject, formula, nounif (args.length === 1) {formula = parseNoun(args[0])} else if (args.length === 2) {subject = parseNoun(args[0])formula = parseNoun(args[1])} else {noun = assoc(args)subject = noun[0]formula = noun[1]}if (!formula) throw new Error('formula required')if (!subject) {// !=(~)subject = [1, 0]}return nock(subject, formula)}return {nock: nockInterface,_nock: nock,useMacros: function (arg) {useMacros = arg === undefined || argreturn this},util: {assoc: assoc,parseNoun: parseNoun,deepEqual: deepEqual},operators: {wut: wut,lus: lus,tis: tis,fas: fas},formulas: {slot: slot,constant: constant,evaluate: evaluate,cell: cell,incr: incr,eq: eq,macroIfe: macroIfe,ife: ife,macroCompose: macroCompose,compose: compose,macroExtend: macroExtend,extend: extend,macroInvoke: macroInvoke,invoke: invoke,macroHint: macroHint,hint: hint}}}))
From James Tauber↗:
#!/usr/bin/env python3# []def l(*lst):if len(lst) == 1:return(lst[0], 0)if len(lst) == 2:return lstelse:return (lst[0], l(*lst[1:]))# *def nock(noun):return tar(noun)# ?def wut(noun):if isinstance(noun, int):return 1else:return 0# +def lus(noun):if isinstance(noun, int):return 1 + nounelse:return noun# =def tis(noun):if noun[0] == noun[1]:return 0else:return 1# /def slot(noun):if noun[0] == 1:return noun[1]elif noun[0] == 2:return noun[1][0]elif noun[0] == 3:return noun[1][1]elif noun[0] % 2 == 0:return slot((2, slot((noun[0] // 2, noun[1]))))elif noun[0] % 2 == 1:return slot((3, slot(((noun[0] - 1) // 2, noun[1]))))def tar(noun):if isinstance(noun[1][0], int):if noun[1][0] == 0:return slot((noun[1][1], noun[0]))elif noun[1][0] == 1:return noun[1][1]elif noun[1][0] == 2:return nock((nock((noun[0], noun[1][1][0])), nock((noun[0], noun[1][1][1]))))elif noun[1][0] == 3:return wut(nock((noun[0], noun[1][1])))elif noun[1][0] == 4:return lus(nock((noun[0], noun[1][1])))elif noun[1][0] == 5:return tis(nock((noun[0], noun[1][1])))elif noun[1][0] == 6:return nock(l(noun[0], 2, (0, 1), 2, l(1, noun[1][1][1][0], noun[1][1][1][1]), (1, 0), 2, l(1, 2, 3), (1, 0), 4, 4, noun[1][1][0]))elif noun[1][0] == 7:return nock(l(noun[0], 2, noun[1][1][0], 1, noun[1][1][1]))elif noun[1][0] == 8:return nock(l(noun[0], 7, l(l(7, (0, 1), noun[1][1][0]), 0, 1), noun[1][1][1]))elif noun[1][0] == 9:return nock(l(noun[0], 7, noun[1][1][1], l(2, (0, 1), (0, noun[1][1][0]))))elif noun[1][0] == 10:if isinstance(noun[1][1][0], int):return nock((noun[0], noun[1][1][1]))else:return nock(l(noun[0], 8, noun[1][1][0][1], 7, (0, 3), noun[1][1][1][0]))else:return (nock((noun[0], noun[1][0])), nock((noun[0], noun[1][1])))
From T.J. Corcoran↗:
def str_to_tree(str)arr = []str.scan(/\+|\=|\?|\/|\*|\[|\]|\d+/).each do |token|endenddef max_depth(arr)ret = arr.is_a?(Array) ? [max_depth(arr[0]), max_depth(arr[1])].max + 1 : 1retenddef pp(arr)depth = max_depth(arr)space = 1281.up_to(8) do |depth|space = space / 2min = 2 ** (depth - 1)max = (2 ** depth) - 1min.upto(max) { |axis|endenddef norm(arr)return arr unless arr.is_a?(Array)while arr.size > 2size = arr.sizearr[size - 2] = [ arr[size - 2], arr.pop ]endarr = arr.map { |x| norm(x) }enddef wut(arr)arr.is_a?(Array) ? YES : NOenddef lus(atom)raise "not an atom" unless atom.is_a?(Fixnum)atom + 1enddef tis(arr)raise "not pair" unless arr.is_a?(Array) && arr.size == 2( arr[0] == arr[1] ) ? YES : NOenddef slot(axis, arr, allow_error = true)raise "axis on atom" unless arr.is_a?(Array)return arr if axis == 1return arr[0] if axis == 2return arr[1] if axis == 3return slot(2, slot(axis/2, arr)) if (axis %2) == 0return slot(3, slot(axis/2, arr))enddef nock(arr)raise "error: nocking an atom" unless arr.is_a?(Array)oper = slot(4, arr)a = slot(2, arr)b = slot(5, arr)if oper.is_a?(Array)return [ nock( [ a, [b, c]]), nock( [a, d]) ]endcase operwhen 0 thenslot(b,a )when 1 thenbwhen 2 thenb_prime = slot(2, b)c = slot(3,b)nock( [ nock([a, b_primce]), nock([a, c]) ])when 3 thenwut(nock([a, b]))when 4 thenlus(nock([a, b]))when 5 thentis(nock([a, b]))when 6 thenb_prime = slot(2, b)c = slot(6,b)d = slot(7,b)nock( norm([a, 2, [0, 1], 2, [1, c, d], [1, 0], 2, [1, 2, 3], [1, 0], 4, 4, b]) )when 7 thenb_prime = slot(2, b)c = slot(3,b)nock( norm ([a, 2, b_prime, 1, c]))when 8 thenb_prime = slot(2, b)c = slot(3,b)nock( norm ([a, 7, [[7, [0, 1], b_prime], 0, 1], c]))when 9 thenb_prime = slot(2, b)c = slot(3,b)nock( norm ([a, 7, c, 2, [0, 1], 0, b_prime]))when 10 thenif wut(slot(2,b)) == TRUEb_prime = slot(4, b)c = slot(5, b)d = slot(3, b)c = slot(3,b)nock( norm ([a, 8, c, 7, [0, 3], d]))elseb_prime = slot(2, b)c = slot(3, b)nock( norm ([a, 10, [b, c]]))endelseraise "error: unknown opcode #{oper.inspect}"endend
From Peter McEvoy↗:
#![allow(unused_parens)]use std::{error, fmt};#[derive(Debug)]enum Noun {Atom(Atom),Cell(Cell),}impl Clone for Noun {fn clone(&self) -> Self {match self {Noun::Atom(a) => Noun::Atom(Atom(a.0)),Noun::Cell(c) => Noun::Cell(Cell {h: c.h.clone(),t: c.t.clone(),}),}}}impl PartialEq for Noun {fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {if let (Noun::Atom(lh), Noun::Atom(rh)) = (&*self, &*other) {lh == rh} else if let (Noun::Cell(lh), Noun::Cell(rh)) = (&*self, &*other) {lh == rh} else {false}}}impl fmt::Display for Noun {fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {match self {Noun::Atom(a) => {write!(f, "{}", a.0)}Noun::Cell(ref c) => {write!(f, "[{} {}]", c.h, c.t)}}}}impl Noun {fn from_loobean(loob: Loobean) -> Self {match loob {Loobean::Yes => Noun::Atom(Atom(0)),Loobean::No => Noun::Atom(Atom(1)),}}fn into_box(self) -> Box<Self> {Box::new(self)}}#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]struct Atom(u64);#[derive(Debug)]pub struct Cell {h: Box<Noun>,t: Box<Noun>,}impl Clone for Cell {fn clone(&self) -> Self {Cell {h: self.h.clone(),t: self.t.clone(),}}}impl PartialEq for Cell {fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {if let (Noun::Atom(lh_h), Noun::Atom(rh_h)) = (&*self.h, &*other.h) {lh_h == rh_h && *self.t == *other.t} else if let (Noun::Cell(lh_h), Noun::Cell(rh_h)) = (&*self.h, &*other.h) {Self::eq(lh_h, rh_h) && *self.t == *other.t} else {false}}}#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]enum Loobean {Yes,No,}impl Loobean {fn from_boolean(b: bool) -> Self {if b {Loobean::Yes} else {Loobean::No}}}#[derive(Debug)]struct Error {msg: String,}impl fmt::Display for Error {fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {write!(f, "{}", self.msg)}}impl error::Error for Error {}trait Wut {fn wut(&self) -> Loobean;}impl Wut for Atom {fn wut(&self) -> Loobean {Loobean::No}}impl Wut for Cell {fn wut(&self) -> Loobean {Loobean::Yes}}trait Lus {fn lus(self) -> Atom;}impl Lus for Atom {fn lus(self) -> Atom {Atom(1 + self.0)}}trait Tis {fn tis(&self) -> Loobean;}impl Tis for Cell {fn tis(&self) -> Loobean {Loobean::from_boolean(self.h == self.t)}}trait Fas {fn fas(self) -> Result<Noun, Error>;}impl Fas for Cell {fn fas(self) -> Result<Noun, Error> {let mut s = self;loop {match *s.h {Noun::Atom(Atom(0)) => {break Err(Error {msg: "/[0 a] cannot be evaluated".to_string(),})}Noun::Atom(Atom(1)) => break Ok(*s.t),Noun::Atom(Atom(2)) => {break {if let Noun::Cell(t) = *s.t {Ok(*t.h)} else {Err(Error {msg: "/[2 a] cannot be evaluated when a is an atom".to_string(),})}}}Noun::Atom(Atom(3)) => {break {if let Noun::Cell(t) = *s.t {Ok(*t.t)} else {Err(Error {msg: "/[3 a] cannot be evaluated when a is an atom".to_string(),})}}}Noun::Atom(Atom(n)) => {s = Cell {h: Noun::Atom(Atom(2 + n % 2)).into_box(),t: Cell {h: Noun::Atom(Atom(n / 2)).into_box(),t: s.t,}.fas()?.into_box(),}}Noun::Cell(_) => {break Err(Error {msg: "/[a b] cannot be evaluated when a is a cell".to_string(),})}}}}}trait Hax {fn hax(self) -> Result<Noun, Error>;}impl Hax for Cell {fn hax(self) -> Result<Noun, Error> {let mut s = self;loop {if let (Noun::Atom(h), Noun::Cell(t)) = (*s.h, *s.t) {match h {Atom(0) => {break Err(Error {msg: "#[0 a b] cannot be evaluated".to_string(),})}Atom(1) => break Ok(*t.h),Atom(n) if 0 == n % 2 => {s = Cell {h: Noun::Atom(Atom(n / 2)).into_box(),t: Noun::Cell(Cell {h: Noun::Cell(Cell {h: t.h,t: Cell {h: Noun::Atom(Atom(n + 1)).into_box(),t: t.t.clone(),}.fas()?.into_box(),}).into_box(),t: t.t,}).into_box(),}}Atom(n) => {s = Cell {h: Noun::Atom(Atom(n / 2)).into_box(),t: Noun::Cell(Cell {h: Noun::Cell(Cell {h: Cell {h: Noun::Atom(Atom(n - 1)).into_box(),t: t.t.clone(),}.fas()?.into_box(),t: t.h,}).into_box(),t: t.t,}).into_box(),}}}} else {break Err(Error {msg: "#[a b] cannot be evaluated when a is cell and/or b is an atom".to_string(),});}}}}trait Tar {fn tar(self) -> Result<Noun, Error>;}impl Tar for Cell {fn tar(self) -> Result<Noun, Error> {let mut s = self;loop {if let Noun::Cell(t) = *s.t {match *t.h {Noun::Atom(Atom(0)) => break Cell { h: t.t, t: s.h }.fas(),Noun::Atom(Atom(1)) => break Ok(*t.t),Noun::Atom(Atom(2)) => {if let Noun::Cell(tt) = *t.t {s = Cell {h: Cell {h: s.h.clone(),t: tt.h,}.tar()?.into_box(),t: Cell { h: s.h, t: tt.t }.tar()?.into_box(),}} else {break Err(Error {msg: "*[a 2 b] cannot be evaluated when b is an atom".to_string(),});}}Noun::Atom(Atom(3)) => {break {match (Cell { h: s.h, t: t.t }.tar()?) {Noun::Atom(a) => Ok(Noun::from_loobean(a.wut())),Noun::Cell(c) => Ok(Noun::from_loobean(c.wut())),}}}Noun::Atom(Atom(4)) => {break {if let Noun::Atom(a) = (Cell { h: s.h, t: t.t }.tar()?) {Ok(Noun::Atom(a.lus()))} else {Err(Error {msg: "Cannot apply the + operator to a cell".to_string(),})}}}Noun::Atom(Atom(5)) => {break {if let Noun::Cell(tt) = *t.t {Ok(Noun::from_loobean(Cell {h: Cell {h: s.h.clone(),t: tt.h,}.tar()?.into_box(),t: Cell { h: s.h, t: tt.t }.tar()?.into_box(),}.tis(),))} else {Err(Error {msg: "*[a 5 b] cannot be evaluated when b is an atom".to_string(),})}}}Noun::Atom(Atom(6)) => {if let Noun::Cell(tt) = *t.t {if let Noun::Cell(ttt) = *tt.t {s = Cell {h: s.h.clone(),t: Cell {h: Noun::Cell(Cell { h: ttt.h, t: ttt.t }).into_box(),t: Noun::Cell(Cell {h: Noun::Atom(Atom(0)).into_box(),t: Cell {h: Noun::Cell(Cell {h: Noun::Atom(Atom(2)).into_box(),t: Noun::Atom(Atom(3)).into_box(),}).into_box(),t: Noun::Cell(Cell {h: Noun::Atom(Atom(0)).into_box(),t: Cell {h: s.h,t: Noun::Cell(Cell {h: Noun::Atom(Atom(4)).into_box(),t: Noun::Cell(Cell {h: Noun::Atom(Atom(4)).into_box(),t: tt.h,}).into_box(),}).into_box(),}.tar()?.into_box(),}).into_box(),}.tar()?.into_box(),}).into_box(),}.tar()?.into_box(),}} else {break Err(Error {msg: "*[a 6 b c] cannot be evaluated when c is an atom".to_string(),});}} else {break Err(Error {msg: "*[a 6 b] cannot be evaluated when b is an atom".to_string(),});}}Noun::Atom(Atom(7)) => {if let Noun::Cell(tt) = *t.t {s = Cell {h: Cell { h: s.h, t: tt.h }.tar()?.into_box(),t: tt.t,}} else {break Err(Error {msg: "*[a 7 b] cannot be evaluated when b is an atom".to_string(),});}}Noun::Atom(Atom(8)) => {if let Noun::Cell(tt) = *t.t {s = Cell {h: Noun::Cell(Cell {h: Cell {h: s.h.clone(),t: tt.h,}.tar()?.into_box(),t: s.h,}).into_box(),t: tt.t,}} else {break Err(Error {msg: "*[a 8 b] cannot be evaluated when b is an atom".to_string(),});}}Noun::Atom(Atom(9)) => {if let Noun::Cell(tt) = *t.t {s = Cell {h: Cell { h: s.h, t: tt.t }.tar()?.into_box(),t: Noun::Cell(Cell {h: Noun::Atom(Atom(2)).into_box(),t: Noun::Cell(Cell {h: Noun::Cell(Cell {h: Noun::Atom(Atom(0)).into_box(),t: Noun::Atom(Atom(1)).into_box(),}).into_box(),t: Noun::Cell(Cell {h: Noun::Atom(Atom(0)).into_box(),t: tt.h,}).into_box(),}).into_box(),}).into_box(),}} else {break Err(Error {msg: "*[a 9 b] cannot be evaluated when b is an atom".to_string(),});}}Noun::Atom(Atom(10)) => {break if let Noun::Cell(tt) = *t.t {if let Noun::Cell(tth) = *tt.h {Cell {h: tth.h,t: Noun::Cell(Cell {h: Cell {h: s.h.clone(),t: tth.t,}.tar()?.into_box(),t: Cell { h: s.h, t: tt.t }.tar()?.into_box(),}).into_box(),}.hax()} else {Err(Error {msg: "*[a 10 b c] cannot be evaluated when b is an atom".to_string(),})}} else {Err(Error {msg: "*[a 10 b] cannot be evaluated when b is an atom".to_string(),})}}Noun::Atom(Atom(11)) => {if let Noun::Cell(tt) = *t.t {match *tt.h {Noun::Atom(_) => break Cell { h: s.h, t: tt.t }.tar(),Noun::Cell(c) => {s = Cell {h: Noun::Cell(Cell {h: Cell {h: s.h.clone(),t: c.t,}.tar()?.into_box(),t: Cell { h: s.h, t: tt.t }.tar()?.into_box(),}).into_box(),t: Noun::Cell(Cell {h: Noun::Atom(Atom(0)).into_box(),t: Noun::Atom(Atom(3)).into_box(),}).into_box(),}}}} else {break Err(Error {msg: "*[a 11 b] cannot be evaluated when b is an atom".to_string(),});}}Noun::Atom(Atom(_)) => {break Err(Error {msg: "unsupported opcode".to_string(),})}Noun::Cell(th) => {break Ok(Noun::Cell(Cell {h: Cell {h: s.h.clone(),t: Noun::Cell(th).into_box(),}.tar()?.into_box(),t: Cell { h: s.h, t: t.t }.tar()?.into_box(),}))}}} else {break Err(Error {msg: "*[a b] cannot be evaluated when b is an atom".to_string(),});}}}}
From Steve Randy Waldman↗:
package object nnnock {sealed trait Noun;case class Atom( value : Int ) extends Noun;case class Cell( head : Noun, tail : Noun ) extends Noun;implicit def toAtom( value : Int ) : Atom = Atom( value );implicit def toInt( atom : Atom ) : Int = atom.value;def nock( a : Noun ) : Noun = *(a)object Cell {private def apply( nl : List[Noun] ) : Cell = {nl match {case a :: b :: Nil => Cell(a, b);case a :: b :: c :: Nil => Cell(a, Cell(b, c));case a :: b :: c :: tail => Cell(a, this.apply( b :: c :: tail ) );}}def apply(a : Noun, b : Noun, tail : Noun*) : Cell = apply( a :: b :: tail.toList );}def ?( noun : Noun ) : Noun = noun match {case _ : Cell => 0;case _ : Atom => 1;}@tailrec def plus( noun : Noun ) : Noun = noun match {case a : Atom => 1 + a;case c : Cell => plus( c ); //intentional endless spin}def heq( noun : Noun ) : Atom = noun match {case Cell( a : Atom, b : Atom ) => if ( a == b ) 0 else 1;case Cell( a : Cell, b : Atom ) => 1;case Cell( a : Atom, b : Cell ) => 1;case Cell( a : Cell, b : Cell ) => if ((heq( Cell( a.head, b.head ) ) | heq( Cell( a.tail, b.tail ) )) == 0) 0 else 1;case a : Atom => heq( a ); //intentional endless spin}def /( noun : Noun ) : Noun = noun match {case Cell(Atom(1), a) => a;case Cell(Atom(2), Cell(a, b)) => a;case Cell(Atom(3), Cell(a, b)) => b;case Cell(Atom(value), b ) => {val a = value / 2;val num = if ( value % a == 0 ) 2 else 3;/(Cell(num, /(Cell(a, b))));}case a => /( a ); //intentional endless spin}def *( noun : Noun ) : Noun = noun match {case Cell( a, Cell(Cell(b, c), d) ) => Cell( *(Cell(a,b,c)), *(Cell(a,d)) );case Cell( a, Cell(Atom(value), tail) ) => {(value, tail) match {case (0, b) => /( Cell(b, a) );case (1, b) => b;case (2, Cell(b, c)) => *( Cell( *( Cell(a,b) ), *( Cell(a,c) ) ) );case (3, b) => ?( *( Cell(a,b) ) );case (4, b) => plus( *( Cell(a,b) ) );case (5, b) => heq( *( Cell(a,b) ) );case (6, Cell(b, Cell(c, d))) => *( Cell(a,2,Cell(0,1),2,Cell(1,c,d),Cell(1,0),2,Cell(1,2,3),Cell(1,0),4,4,b) ); //wtf?case (7, Cell(b, c)) => *( Cell(a,2,b,1,c) );case (8, Cell(b, c)) => *( Cell(a,7,Cell(Cell(7,Cell(0,1),b),0,1),c) ); //wtf2case (9, Cell(b, c)) => *( Cell(a,7,c,2,Cell(0,1),0,b) );case (10, Cell(Cell(b,c),d)) => *( Cell(a,8,c,7,Cell(0,3),d) );case (10, Cell(b, c)) => *( Cell(a,c) );case _ => *( noun ); //intentional endless spin}}case a => *( a ); //intentional endless spin}}
From Kohányi Róbert↗:
(import (rnrs (6)))(define (i a) a)(define (n a r)(cond((list? a)(let ((l (length a)))(cond((equal? l 0) (raise 1))((equal? l 1) (r (car a)))(else(let ((t (cond((equal? l 2) (cadr a))(else (cdr a)))))(n (car a)(lambda (p) (n t(lambda (q) (r (cons p q)))))))))))((fixnum? a) (r a))(else (raise 2))))(define (wut a)(cond((fixnum? a) 1)(else 0)))(define (lus a)(cond((equal? (wut a) 0) (raise 3))(else (+ 1 a))))(define (tis a)(cond((equal? (wut a) 1) (raise 4))((equal? (car a) (cdr a)) 0)(else 1)))(define (fas a r)(cond((equal? (wut a) 1) (raise 5))(else(let ((h (car a))(t (cdr a)))(cond((not (fixnum? h)) (raise 6))((equal? h 0) (raise 7))((equal? h 1) (r t))((fixnum? t) (raise 8))((equal? h 2) (r (car t)))((equal? h 3) (r (cdr t)))(else(fas (cons (div h 2) t)(lambda (p) (fas (cons (+ 2 (mod h 2)) p)(lambda (q) (r q)))))))))))(define (tar a r)(cond((equal? (wut a) 1) (raise 9))(else(let ((s (car a))(f (cdr a)))(cond((equal? (wut f) 1) (raise 10))(else(let ((o (car f))(v (cdr f)))(cond((equal? (wut o) 0) (tar (cons s o)(lambda (p) (tar (cons s v)(lambda (q) (r (cons p q)))))))((equal? o 0) (r (fas (cons v s) i)))((equal? o 1) (r v))((equal? o 3) (tar (cons s v)(lambda (p) (r (wut p)))))((equal? o 4) (tar (cons s v)(lambda (p) (r (lus p)))))((equal? o 5) (tar (cons s v)(lambda (p) (r (tis p)))))((equal? (wut v) 1) (raise 11))(else(let ((x (car v))(y (cdr v)))(cond((equal? o 2) (tar (cons s x)(lambda (p) (tar (cons s y)(lambda (q) (tar (cons p q)(lambda (u) (r u))))))))((equal? o 7) (tar (n (list (list s) 2 (list x) 1 (list y)) i)(lambda (p) (r p))))((equal? o 8) (tar (n (list (list s) 7 (list (list 7 (list 0 1) (list x)) 0 1) (list y)) i)(lambda (p) (r p))))((equal? o 9) (tar (n (list (list s) 7 (list y) 2 (list 0 1) 0 (list x)) i)(lambda (p) (r p))))((equal? o 10) (cond((equal? (wut x) 1) (tar (cons s y)(lambda (p) (r p))))(else (tar (n (list (list s) 8 (list (cdr x)) 7 (list 0 3) (list y)) i)(lambda (p) (r p))))))((equal? (wut y) 1) (raise 12))((equal? o 6) (tar (n (list(list s)2(list 0 1)2(list 1 (list (car y)) (list (cdr y)))(list 1 0)2(list 1 2 3)(list 1 0)44(list x))i)(lambda (p) (r p))))(else (raise 13)))))))))))))
import Foundation// 1 :: A noun is an atom or a cell.// 2 :: An atom is a natural number.// 3 :: A cell is an ordered pair of nouns.// 4// 5 :: nock(a) *a// 6 :: [a b c] [a [b c]]// 7// 8 :: ?[a b] 0// 9 :: ?a 1// 10 :: +[a b] +[a b]// 11 :: +a 1 + a// 12 :: =[a a] 0// 13 :: =[a b] 1// 14 :: =a =a// 15// 16 :: /[1 a] a// 17 :: /[2 a b] a// 18 :: /[3 a b] b// 19 :: /[(a + a) b] /[2 /[a b]]// 20 :: /[(a + a + 1) b] /[3 /[a b]]// 21 :: /a /a// 22// 23 :: *[a [b c] d] [*[a b c] *[a d]]// 24// 25 :: *[a 0 b] /[b a]// 26 :: *[a 1 b] b// 27 :: *[a 2 b c] *[*[a b] *[a c]]// 28 :: *[a 3 b] ?*[a b]// 29 :: *[a 4 b] +*[a b]// 30 :: *[a 5 b] =*[a b]// 31// 32 :: *[a 6 b c d] *[a 2 [0 1] 2 [1 c d] [1 0] 2 [1 2 3] [1 0] 4 4 b]// 33 :: *[a 7 b c] *[a 2 b 1 c]// 34 :: *[a 8 b c] *[a 7 [[7 [0 1] b] 0 1] c]// 35 :: *[a 9 b c] *[a 7 c 2 [0 1] 0 b]// 36 :: *[a 10 [b c] d] *[a 8 c 7 [0 3] d]// 37 :: *[a 10 b c] *[a c]// 38// 39 :: *a *a// 1 :: A noun is an atom or a cell.public indirect enum Noun: IntegerLiteralConvertible, ArrayLiteralConvertible, Equatable, Hashable, CustomStringConvertible{// 2 :: An atom is a natural number.public typealias ATOM = UIntMaxcase Atom(ATOM)// 3 :: A cell is an ordered pair of nouns.case Cell(Noun, Noun)case Invalidpublic static var YES: Noun { return .Atom(0) }public static var NO: Noun { return .Atom(1) }public init(_ noun: Noun) { self = noun }// 6 :: [a b c] [a [b c]]public init(_ nouns: [Noun]) {self = .Invalidif nouns.count > 0 {var reverse = nouns.reverse().generate()self = reverse.next()!while let n = reverse.next() {self = .Cell(n, self)}}}// protocol IntegerLiteralConvertiblepublic typealias IntegerLiteralType = ATOMpublic init(integerLiteral value: IntegerLiteralType) {self = .Atom(value)}// protocol ArrayLiteralConvertiblepublic typealias Element = Nounpublic init(arrayLiteral elements: Element...) {self = Noun(elements)}// Array subscriptpublic subscript(axis: ATOM) -> Noun {return fas(.Cell(.Atom(axis), self))}// protocol Hashablepublic var hashValue: Int {//return self.description.hashValueswitch self {case let .Atom(a):return a.hashValuecase let .Cell(a, b):return (5381 + 31 &* a.hashValue) &+ b.hashValuedefault:abort()}}// protocol CustomStringConvertiblepublic var description: String {return describe()}private func describe(depth: Int = 0) -> String {var sub = ""let next = depth+1switch self {case .Invalid:return "[%INVALID%]"case let .Atom(atom):return "\(atom)"case let .Cell(.Cell(a, b), c):sub = "[\(a.describe(next)) \(b.describe(next))] \(c.describe(next))"case let .Cell(a, b):sub = "\(a.describe(next)) \(b.describe(next))"}return depth == 0 ? "[\(sub)]" : sub}}// protocol Equatablepublic func == (left: Noun, right: Noun) -> Bool{switch (left, right) {case let (.Atom(lhs), .Atom(rhs)): return lhs == rhscase let (.Cell(lp, lq), .Cell(rp, rq)): return lp == rp && lq == rqcase (.Invalid, .Invalid): return truedefault: return false}}public func wut(noun: Noun) -> Noun{switch noun {// 8 :: ?[a b] 0case .Cell:return Noun.YEScase .Atom:// 9 :: ?a 1return Noun.NOdefault://return wut(noun)abort()}}public func lus(noun: Noun) -> Noun{if case let .Atom(a) = noun {// 11 :: +a 1 + areturn .Atom(1+a)}// 10 :: +[a b] +[a b]//return lus(noun)abort()}public func tis(noun: Noun) -> Noun{if case let .Cell(a, b) = noun {// 12 :: =[a a] 0// 13 :: =[a b] 1return (a == b) ? Noun.YES : Noun.NO}// 14 :: =a =a//return tis(noun)abort()}public func fas(noun: Noun) -> Noun{switch noun {// 16 :: /[1 a] acase let .Cell(1, a):return a// 17 :: /[2 a b] acase let .Cell(2, .Cell(a, _)):return a// 18 :: /[3 a b] bcase let .Cell(3, .Cell(_, b)):return b// 19 :: /[(a + a) b] /[2 /[a b]]// 20 :: /[(a + a + 1) b] /[3 /[a b]]case let .Cell(.Atom(axis), tree):let inner = Noun.Atom(axis / 2)let outer = Noun.Atom(2 + (axis % 2))return fas(.Cell(outer, fas(.Cell(inner, tree))))default:// 21 :: /a /a//return fas(noun)abort()}}public func tar(noun: Noun) -> Noun{switch noun {case let .Cell(a, formula):switch formula {// 23 :: *[a [b c] d] [*[a b c] *[a d]]case let .Cell(.Cell(b, c), d):return .Cell(tar([a, b, c]), tar([a, d]))// 25 :: *[a 0 b] /[b a]case let .Cell(0, b):return fas([b, a])// 26 :: *[a 1 b] bcase let .Cell(1, b):return b// 27 :: *[a 2 b c] *[*[a b] *[a c]]case let .Cell(2, .Cell(b, c)):return tar([tar([a, b]), tar([a, c])])// 28 :: *[a 3 b] ?*[a b]case let .Cell(3, b):return wut(tar([a, b]))// 29 :: *[a 4 b] +*[a b]case let .Cell(4, b):return lus(tar([a, b]))// 30 :: *[a 5 b] =*[a b]case let .Cell(5, b):return tis(tar([a, b]))// 32 :: *[a 6 b c d] *[a 2 [0 1] 2 [1 c d] [1 0] 2 [1 2 3] [1 0] 4 4 b]case let .Cell(6, .Cell(b, .Cell(c, d))):return tar([a, 2, [0, 1], 2, [1, c, d], [1, 0], 2, [1, 2, 3], [1, 0], 4, 4, b])// 33 :: *[a 7 b c] *[a 2 b 1 c]case let .Cell(7, .Cell(b, c)):return tar([a, 2, b, 1, c])// 34 :: *[a 8 b c] *[a 7 [[7 [0 1] b] 0 1] c]case let .Cell(8, .Cell(b, c)):return tar([a, 7, [[7, [0, 1], b], 0, 1], c])// 35 :: *[a 9 b c] *[a 7 c 2 [0 1] 0 b]case let .Cell(9, .Cell(b, c)):return tar([a, 7, c, 2, [0, 1], 0, b])// 36 :: *[a 10 [b c] d] *[a 8 c 7 [0 3] d]case let .Cell(10, .Cell(.Cell(_, c), d)):return tar([a, 8, c, 7, [0, 3], d])// 37 :: *[a 10 b c] *[a c]case let .Cell(10, .Cell(_, c)):return tar([a, c]);default://return tar(noun)abort()}default://return tar(noun)abort()}}public var nock_functions = Dictionary<Noun, Noun -> Noun>()public func dao(formula: Noun) -> Noun->Noun{if let cached = nock_functions[formula] {return cached}let compiler = { () -> Noun -> Noun inswitch formula {case let .Cell(.Cell(b, c), d): // Distributionlet (p, q) = (dao(.Cell(b, c)), dao(d))return { a in .Cell(p(a), q(a)) }case let .Cell(0, b): // Axisreturn { a in fas(.Cell(b, a)) }case let .Cell(1, b): // Justreturn { _ in b }case let .Cell(2, .Cell(b, c)): // Firelet (f, g) = (dao(b), dao(c))return { a in dao(g(a))(f(a)) }case let .Cell(3, b): // Depthlet f = dao(b)return { a in wut(f(a)) }case let .Cell(4, b): // Bumplet f = dao(b)return { a