API Reference

In this document we describe the public interface for Dill. Namely, we describe each task that Dill can be passed, and which gift(s) Dill can give in return.

Dill's tasks are organized into three categories: Session tasks for interacting with a particular session, Told tasks for basic terminal printing, and system/miscellaneous tasks which are a combination of general system tasks and Dill tasks which don't fit in the previous two categories.

System & Misc. Tasks

These are the Dill tasks not otherwise categorized as session tasks or told tasks. Most of them are interfaces for Vere or Arvo and do thing like toggle verbose mode, defragment state, etc. The most notable Dill-specific task is %shot, which is used as a wrapper for the session tasks to specify the session. The %logs task is also useful, letting you subscribe to all system output.


[%boot lit=? p=*]

This task is used only once, when Arvo first enters the adult stage. Dill is technically the first vane to be activated, via the %boot task, which then sends Jael (considered the "true" first vane) the %dawn or %fake task wrapped in the %boot task. Jael then goes on to call %init tasks for other vanes (including Dill).

lit specifies whether to boot in lite mode. p is either a %dawn or %fake task:jael. %dawn is for an ordinary boot and %fake is for booting a fake ship.

This task would not be used from userspace.


Dill returns no gift in response to a %boot task, but it will %pass the wrapped %dawn or %fake task to Jael.


Trim kernel state.

[%crop p=@ud]

This task is the same as the %trim vane task. Like %trim, Dill does nothing with it.


Dill returns no gift in response to a %crop task.


[%flog p=flog]

A %flog task is a wrapper over a task sent by another vane. Dill removes the wrapper and sends the bare task to itself over the default duct.

A %flog task takes a $flog as its argument. A $flog is a subset of Dill's tasks.


Dill does not return a gift in response to a %flog task.


Produce memory report.

[%heft ~]

When Dill receives a %heft task it passes Arvo a %whey waif to obtain a memory report and prints it to the terminal.


Dill does not return a gift in response to a %heft task.


Watch system output.

[%logs p=(unit ~)]

A non-null p subscribes to system output, and a null p unsubscribes. While subscribed, you'll receive each piece of output in a %logs gift as it occurs.


Dill does not immediately return anything, but will give you a %logs gifts each time system output occurs. A %logs gift looks like:

[%logs =told]

A $told is either a %crud, %talk or %text task. See the $told entry in the data types reference for more details.


Deduplicate persistent state.

[%meld ~]

Dill asks the runtime to perform the memory deduplication.


Dill does not return a gift in response to a %meld task.


Defragment persistent state.

[%pack ~]

Dill asks the runtime to perform the defragmentation.


Dill does not return a gift in response to a %meld task.


Install desk.

[%seat =desk]

This indirectly pokes %hood with a %kiln-install mark to install the specified desk. You should just poke %hood directly rather than using this.


Dill does not return a gift in response to a %seat task.


Task for session.

[%shot ses=@tas task=session-task]

A $session-task is one of these tasks: %belt, %blew, %flee, %hail, %open, %shut, %view. See the $session-task entry in the data types reference.


Toggle Arvo verbose mode.

[%verb ~]

This task toggles verbose mode for all of Arvo, which is located here since Dill is the vane that prints errors. To be precise, %verb toggles the laconic bit lac in the Arvo state by passing a %verb waif to Arvo.


Dill does not return a gift in response to a %verb task.

Session Tasks

These tasks are for interacting with a particular session. These all would normally be wrapped in a %shot task to specify the session, rather than sent directly.

This subset of Dill's tasks are defined in the $session-task type.


Terminal input.

[%belt p=belt]

The $belt in p contains the input such as which key was pressed. Dill will convert the $belt into a $dill-belt and %poke it into the session handler agent for the session in question.

This task should be wrapped in a %shot task to specify the session. Without the %shot wrapper, it will use the default session (%$).


Dill returns no gift in response to a %belt task.


Terminal resized.

[%blew p=blew]

The $blew specifies the new dimensions.

Dill will convert the $blew into a %rez $dill-belt and %pokes the session handler (typically drum) with it.

This task would not typically be used from userspace. Instead, it would come in from the runtime for the default session (%$) when the actual terminal were resized. If in an odd scenario it were used from userspace, it would need to be wrapped in a %shot task to specify a session other than %$.


Dill returns no gift in response to a %blew task.


Unwatch a session to which you've previously subscribed with %view.

[%flee ~]

This task must be wrapped in a %shot task in order to specify the session. Without that, it will default to the default session (%$). The subscription to end will be determined implicitly by the duct.


Dill does not return a gift in response to a %flee task.



[%hail ~]

Dill converts a %hail task into a %hey $dill-belt and %pokes the session handler (typically %drum) with it.

This task would not typically be used from userspace. If in an odd scenario it were used from userspace, it would need to be wrapped in a %shot task to specify a session other than %$.


Dill returns no gift in response to a %hail task.


Setup session.

[%open p=dude:gall q=(list gill:gall)]

This task is always wrapped in a %shot task, and creates the new session specified in that wrapper. If it's not wrapped in a %shot task, it will default to the default session (%$) and fail because it already exists. This task is designed to be used by a userspace session handler like %drum that multiplexes terminal interfaces for multiple userspace applications, but could also be used by a stand-alone application that talks to Dill directly.

The Gall agent specified in p is the session handler or stand-alone application. The q field contains a list of gill:gall, which are pairs of [ship term], representing an app on a ship. The gills in q are the list of apps being managed by the session handler q that should be notified of being connected to this session. If p were a stand-alone application, q could be empty, or else just contain that one app.

Dill will poke every agent listed in q (local or remote) with a %yow $dill-belt, to let it know it's been connected. It will also %watch the agent p for $dill-blits in %facts with a %dill-blit mark on the path /dill/[ses] where ses is the session specified in the %shot wrapper.

Additionally, the source of the %open request (as determined by the duct, typically the agent in p) will begin receiving terminal output gifts for the session in question. Essentially, it behaves as though you also passed it a %view task.


Dill does not give a gift in direct response to an %open task. It will, however, start giving terminal output %blit gifts to the requester as the occur for the session. A %blit gift looks like:

[%blit p=(list blit)]

See the $blit entry in the data type reference for details of what it can contain.

This subscription for $blits can be stopped with a %flee task at any time.


Close session.

[%shut ~]

This task needs to be wrapped in %shot task to specify the session to close. Otherwise, it will default to the default session (%$).

The session handler will be passed a %leave. Subscribers for $blits will not be notified, they'll just stop receiving $blits.


Dill does not give a gift in response to a %shut task. It will, however, pass a %leave to the session handler agent.


Watch session.

[%view ~]

A %view task subscribes for a copy of all %blit gifts which Dill %gives for the session in question. This task must be wrapped in a %shot task which specifies the session if you want to subscribe to anything other than the default session (%$).


Dill will begin giving a copy of all %blits for the session specified in the %shot wrapper, or the default session (%$) if a %shot wrapper is not used. A %blit gift is:

[%blit p=(list blit)]

See the $blit entry in the data type reference for more details.

The subscription can be ended with a %flee task.

Told Tasks

This subset of Dill tasks are for printing things. They are defined in the $told type.


Print error.

[%crud p=@tas q=tang]

Dill prints the given error to the terminal.


Dill does not return a gift in response to a %crud task.


Print tang to terminal.

[%talk p=(list tank)]

The tanks in p will be printed to the terminal, first to last.


Dill does not return a gift in response to a %talk task.


Print tape to terminal.

[%text p=tape]

The tape in p will be printed to the terminal.


Dill does not return a gift in response to a %text task.