Internal API Reference

This document details all the tasks you're likely to use to interact with Eyre, as well as the gifts you'll receive in response.

The primary way of interacting with Eyre is from the outside with HTTP requests. As a result, most of its tasks are only used internally and you're unlikely to need to deal with them directly. The ones you may want to use in certain cases are %connect, %serve, %disconnect, %approve-origin and %reject-origin, and they are also demonstrated in the Guide document. The rest are just documented for completeness.

Many of the types referenced are detailed in the Data Types document. It may also be useful to look at the +eyre section of /sys/lull.hoon in Arvo where these tasks, gifts and data structures are defined.


[%live insecure=@ud secure=(unit @ud)]

This task notifies Eyre of the listening HTTPS and HTTP ports. It is automatically sent to Eyre by the runtime and should not be used manually.

The insecure field is the HTTP port and secure is the optional HTTPS port.


Eyre returns no gift in response to a %live task.


[%rule =http-rule]

This task either configures HTTPS with a certificate and keypair, or configures a DNS binding. This is typically done for you by the %acme app, rather than done manually.

The $http-rule is either tagged with %cert or %turf. A %cert http-rule sets an HTTPS certificate and keypair or removes it if null. A %turf http-rule either adds or removes a DNS binding depending on whether the action is %put or %del. Note that using %turf will automatically cause the system to try and obtain a certificate and keypair via Letsencrypt.


Eyre returns no gift in response to a %rule task.


[%request secure=? =address =request:http]

This task is how Eyre receives an inbound HTTP request. It will ordinarily be sent to Eyre by the runtime so you wouldn't use it except perhaps in tests.

The secure field says whether it's over HTTPS. The address is the IP address from which the request originated. The $request:http is the HTTP request itself containing the method, URL, headers, and body.


Eyre may pass a %response gift on the appropriate duct depending on the contents of the %request, state of the connection, and other factors.


[%request-local secure=? =address =request:http]

This task is how Eyre receives an inbound HTTP request over the local loopback port. It behaves the same and takes the same arguments as in the %request example except it skips any normally required authentication. Just like for a %request task, you'd not normally use this manually.


Eyre may pass a %response gift on the appropriate duct depending on the contents of the %request, state of the connection, and other factors.


[%cancel-request ~]

This task is sent to Eyre by the runtime when an HTTP client closes its previously established connection. You would not normally use this manually.

This task takes no arguments.


Eyre may pass a %response gift on the appropriate duct depending on the state of the connection and other factors.


[%connect =binding app=term]

This task binds a Gall agent to a URL path so it can receive HTTP requests and return HTTP responses directly.

The $binding contains a URL path and optional domain through which the agent will be able to take HTTP requests. The app is just the name of the Gall agent to bind. Note that if you bind a URL path of /foo, Eyre will also match /foo/bar, /foo/bar/baz, etc.

If an agent is bound in Eyre using this method, HTTP requests to the bound URL path are poked directly into the agent. The cage in the poke have a %handle-http-request mark and a vase of [@ta inbound-request:eyre] where the @ta is a unique eyre-id and the $inbound-request contains the HTTP request itself.

Along with the poke, Eyre will also subscribe to the /http-response/[eyre-id] path of the agent and await a response, which it will pass on to the HTTP client who made the request. Eyre expects at least two facts and a kick on this subscription path to complete the response and close the connection (though it can take more than two facts).

The first fact's cage must have a mark of %http-response-header and a vase containing a $response-header:http with the HTTP status code and headers of the response.

The cage of the second and subsequent facts must have a mark of %http-response-data and a vase containing a (unit octs) with the actual data of the response. An octs is just [p=@ud q=@] where p is the byte-length of q, the data. You can send an arbitrary number of these.

Finally, once you've sent all the facts you want, you can kick Eyre's subscription and it will complete the response and close the connection to the HTTP client.


Eyre will respond with a %bound gift which says whether the binding was successful and looks like:

[%bound accepted=? =binding]

The accepted field says whether the binding succeeded and the binding is the requested binding described above.


See the Agents: Direct HTTP section of the Guide document for an example.


[%serve =binding =generator]

This task binds a generator to a URL path so it can receive HTTP requests and return HTTP responses.

The binding contains the URL path and optional domain through which the generator will take HTTP requests. The $generator specifies the desk, the path to the generator in Clay, and also has a field for arguments. Note that the passing of specified arguments to the generator by Eyre is not currently implemented, so you can just leave it as ~.

The bound generator must be a gate within a gate and the type returned must be a $simple-payload:http.

The sample of the first gate must be:

[[now=@da eny=@uvJ bec=beak] ~ ~]

...and the sample of the second, nested gate must be:

[authenticated=? =request:http]

The ? says whether the HTTP request contained a valid session cookie and the $request:http contains the request itself.

The simple-payload:http returned by the generator is similar to the response described in the %connect section except the HTTP headers and body are all contained in the one response rather than staggered across several.


Eyre will return a %bound gift as described at the end of the %connect section.


See the Generators section of the Guide document for an example.


[%disconnect =binding]

This task deletes a URL binding previously set by a %connect or %serve task.

The $binding is the URL path and domain of the binding you want to delete.


Eyre returns no gift in response to a %disconnect task.


[%code-changed ~]

This task tells Eyre that the web login code has changed, causing Eyre to throw away all sessions and cookies. Typically it's automatically sent to Eyre by hood when you run |code %reset.

This task takes no arguments.


Eyre returns no gift in response to a %code-changed task.


[%approve-origin =origin]

This task tells Eyre to start responding positively to CORS requests for the specified origin.

The $origin is a CORS origin like http://foo.example you want to approve.


Eyre returns no gift in response to a %approve-origin task.


See the Managing CORS Origins section of the Guide document for an example.


[%reject-origin =origin]

This task tells Eyre to start responding negatively to CORS requests for the specified origin.

The $origin is a CORS origin like http://foo.example you want want to reject.


Eyre returns no gift in response to a %reject-origin task.


See the Managing CORS Origins section of the Guide document for an example.


[%set-response url=@t entry=(unit cache-entry)]

This task tells Eyre to set a cache entry for a URL path. Adding entries to Eyre's cache will make them much faster to load, and more capable of handling many connections.

The url field is the URL path you want to bind with the cache entry. Note this will just be the URL path as a cord like '/foo/bar/baz', it does not include the host, etc.

The entry field is a $cache-entry in a unit. If the unit is null, the specified url will be unbound and the cache entry removed. If non-null, the given entry will be added to the cache (or updated if the binding already exists).

Each time the entry for a URL path is changed, its revision number will be incremented.

See the $cache-entry entry in Eyre's type reference for more details of the entry itself.


Eyre gives a %grow gift in response to a %set-response task. A %grow gift looks like:

[%grow =path]

The path will be of the format /cache/[revision]/[url], for example /cache/12/ The revision number is incremented each time the entry is updated, including if it's removed, and is in @ud format. The url element uses %t ++scot encoding, so will need to be decoded with %t ++slav.