Data Types

Khan only uses a handful of types, described below.


Thread result mold builder

|$ [a] (each a goof)

Khan returns this structure when the thread either successfully completes, or fails.

If the each is %.y, it succeeded and p contains the result in either a cage or a page. If the thread was run internally it's a cage, and if it was run externally it's a page.

If the each is %.n, the thread failed and p contains a goof, which is:

+$ goof [mote=term =tang]

The mote is an error code like %foobar and the tang contains something like a stack trace.


> `(avow:khan cage)`[%.y %noun !>('foo')]
[%.y p=[p=%noun q=[#t/@t q=7.303.014]]]
> `(avow:khan cage)`[%.n %foo-error 'blah' 'blah' ~]
[%.n p=[mote=%foo-error tang=~['blah' 'blah']]]


Thread location

$@(desk beak)

This is tells Khan where to look for a thread. It's either a desk or a full beak. Khan will look in the /ted directory of the specified location.


> `bear:khan`%base
> `bear:khan`[~sampel %base da+now]
[p=~sampel q=%base r=[%da p=~2022.11.6..08.33.22..9818]]


External thread argument

(pair mark page)

This is only used if you're running a thread via Khan's external interface. The mark specifies the output mark, and a page is a pair of input mark and raw noun.


> `cast:khan`[%noun %noun 123]
[p=%noun q=[p=%noun q=123]]


Mold builder for a thread run request

|$ [a] [=bear name=term args=a]

The fields are:

  • bear: thread location.
  • name: thread name. Khan will look in /ted for this. If it's in a subdirectory like /ted/foo/bar.hoon, you'd say %foo-bar.
  • args: a cage if it's an internal request, and a cast if it's an external request.


> `(fyrd:khan cage)`[%base %mythread %noun !>(123)]
[bear=%base name=%mythread args=[p=%noun q=[#t/@ud q=123]]]
> `(fyrd:khan cast:khan)`[%base %mythread %noun %noun 123]
[bear=%base name=%mythread args=[p=%noun q=[p=%noun q=123]]]