Debugging Wrapper

The /lib/dbug.hoon agent wrapper adds support to view the state of a Gall agent. It is applied to an existing Gall agent as a single drop-in line, %- agent:dbug.

Before we look at the code, let's consider the functionality it exposes. By supplying %- agent:dbug, an associated +dbug generator can be invoked against the agent state.

For instance, using the %azimuth agent, we can expose the current state of the agent:

> :azimuth +dbug
[ %7
nas=[%0 points={} operators={} dns=<||>]
sap=[%0 id=[hash=0x0 number=0] nas=[%0 points={} operators={} dns=<||>] owners={} sponsors={}]
> :azimuth +dbug %bowl
> [ [our=~zod src=~zod dap=%azimuth]
[wex={} sup={}]
byk=[p=~zod q=%base r=[%da p=~2023.1.26..02.41.25..926a]]
> :azimuth +dbug [%incoming ~]
> no matching subscriptions
> :azimuth +dbug [%state '(lent whos)']
> 0

There are four actions exposed by the wrapper via the +dbug generator:

  1. :app +dbug exposes the entire state, just dumping the current agent state.

  2. :app +dbug %bowl shows the agent's bowl. The Gall bowl consists of:

    +$ bowl :: standard app state
    $: $: our=ship :: host
    src=ship :: guest
    dap=term :: agent
    == ::
    $: wex=boat :: outgoing subs
    sup=bitt :: incoming subs
    == ::
    $: act=@ud :: change number
    eny=@uvJ :: entropy
    now=@da :: current time
    byk=beak :: load source
    == == ::
  3. :app +dbug [%state 'hoon'] exposes data in the state, including evaluated Hoon like (lent values).

  4. :app +dbug [?(%incoming outgoing) specifics] reveals details about the subscriptions.

The Code


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/+ *dbug
:- %say
|= $: :: environment
:: inline arguments
args=?(~ [what=?(%bowl %state) ~] [=poke ~])
:: named arguments
:- %dbug
?- args
~ [%state '']
[@ ~] ?-(what.args %bowl [%bowl ~], %state [%state ''])
[[@ *] ~] poke.args


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:: dbug: agent wrapper for generic debugging tools
:: usage: %-(agent:dbug your-agent)
+$ poke
$% [%bowl ~]
[%state grab=cord]
[%incoming =about]
[%outgoing =about]
+$ about
$@ ~
$% [%ship =ship]
[%path =path]
[%wire =wire]
[%term =term]
++ agent
|= =agent:gall
^- agent:gall
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
ag ~(. agent bowl)
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
?. ?=(%dbug mark)
=^ cards agent (on-poke:ag mark vase)
[cards this]
=/ dbug
!<(poke vase)
=; =tang
((%*(. slog pri 1) tang) [~ this])
?- -.dbug
%bowl [(sell !>(bowl))]~
=? grab.dbug =('' grab.dbug) '-'
=; product=^vase
[(sell product)]~
=/ state=^vase
:: if the underlying app has implemented a /dbug/state scry endpoint,
:: use that vase in place of +on-save's.
=/ result=(each ^vase tang)
(mule |.(q:(need (need (on-peek:ag /x/dbug/state)))))
?:(?=(%& -.result) p.result on-save:ag)
%+ slap
(slop state !>([bowl=bowl ..zuse]))
(ream grab.dbug)
=; =tang
?^ tang tang
[%leaf "no matching subscriptions"]~
%+ murn
%+ sort ~(tap by sup.bowl)
|= [[* a=[=ship =path]] [* b=[=ship =path]]]
(aor [path ship]:a [path ship]:b)
|= [=duct [=ship =path]]
^- (unit tank)
=; relevant=?
?. relevant ~
`>[path=path from=ship duct=duct]<
?: ?=(~ about.dbug) &
?- -.about.dbug
%ship =(ship ship.about.dbug)
%path ?=(^ (find path.about.dbug path))
%wire %+ lien duct
|=(=wire ?=(^ (find wire.about.dbug wire)))
%term !!
=; =tang
?^ tang tang
[%leaf "no matching subscriptions"]~
%+ murn
%+ sort ~(tap by wex.bowl)
|= [[[a=wire *] *] [[b=wire *] *]]
(aor a b)
|= [[=wire =ship =term] [acked=? =path]]
^- (unit tank)
=; relevant=?
?. relevant ~
`>[wire=wire agnt=[ship term] path=path ackd=acked]<
?: ?=(~ about.dbug) &
?- -.about.dbug
%ship =(ship ship.about.dbug)
%path ?=(^ (find path.about.dbug path))
%wire ?=(^ (find wire.about.dbug wire))
%term =(term term.about.dbug)
++ on-peek
|= =path
^- (unit (unit cage))
?. ?=([@ %dbug *] path)
(on-peek:ag path)
?+ path [~ ~]
[%u %dbug ~] ``noun+!>(&)
[%x %dbug %state ~] ``noun+!>(on-save:ag)
[%x %dbug %subscriptions ~] ``noun+!>([wex sup]:bowl)
++ on-init
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
=^ cards agent on-init:ag
[cards this]
++ on-save on-save:ag
++ on-load
|= old-state=vase
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
=^ cards agent (on-load:ag old-state)
[cards this]
++ on-watch
|= =path
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
=^ cards agent (on-watch:ag path)
[cards this]
++ on-leave
|= =path
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
=^ cards agent (on-leave:ag path)
[cards this]
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
=^ cards agent (on-agent:ag wire sign)
[cards this]
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire =sign-arvo]
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
=^ cards agent (on-arvo:ag wire sign-arvo)
[cards this]
++ on-fail
|= [=term =tang]
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
=^ cards agent (on-fail:ag term tang)
[cards this]

As we examine this code, there are two particularly interesting aspects:

  1. How /lib/dbug.hoon modifies an agent's arms by adding functionality over the top of them.
  2. How /gen/dbug.hoon utilizes the modified arms with an elegant and simple invocation.

There is also extensive use of tank/tang formatted error messaging.

How the library works

By applying this door builder using %- censig, the ++on-poke and ++on-peek arms can be modified. (In fact, all of the arms can be modified but most of the arms are pass-throughs to the modified agent.)


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++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card:agent:gall agent:gall)
?. ?=(%dbug mark)
=^ cards agent (on-poke:ag mark vase)
[cards this]
=/ dbug
!<(poke vase)
=; =tang
((%*(. slog pri 1) tang) [~ this])
?- -.dbug
%bowl [(sell !>(bowl))]~
=? grab.dbug =('' grab.dbug) '-'
=; product=^vase
[(sell product)]~
=/ state=^vase
:: if the underlying app has implemented a /dbug/state scry endpoint,
:: use that vase in place of +on-save's.
=/ result=(each ^vase tang)
(mule |.(q:(need (need (on-peek:ag /x/dbug/state)))))
?:(?=(%& -.result) p.result on-save:ag)
%+ slap
(slop state !>([bowl=bowl ..zuse]))
(ream grab.dbug)
=; =tang
?^ tang tang
[%leaf "no matching subscriptions"]~
%+ murn
%+ sort ~(tap by sup.bowl)
|= [[* a=[=ship =path]] [* b=[=ship =path]]]
(aor [path ship]:a [path ship]:b)
|= [=duct [=ship =path]]
^- (unit tank)
=; relevant=?
?. relevant ~
`>[path=path from=ship duct=duct]<
?: ?=(~ about.dbug) &
?- -.about.dbug
%ship =(ship ship.about.dbug)
%path ?=(^ (find path.about.dbug path))
%wire %+ lien duct
|=(=wire ?=(^ (find wire.about.dbug wire)))
%term !!
=; =tang
?^ tang tang
[%leaf "no matching subscriptions"]~
%+ murn
%+ sort ~(tap by wex.bowl)
|= [[[a=wire *] *] [[b=wire *] *]]
(aor a b)
|= [[=wire =ship =term] [acked=? =path]]
^- (unit tank)
=; relevant=?
?. relevant ~
`>[wire=wire agnt=[ship term] path=path ackd=acked]<
?: ?=(~ about.dbug) &
?- -.about.dbug
%ship =(ship ship.about.dbug)
%path ?=(^ (find path.about.dbug path))
%wire ?=(^ (find wire.about.dbug wire))
%term =(term term.about.dbug)

The ++on-poke arm has several branches added to it after a check to see whether it is being used through the +dbug generator. If it isn't (as determined by the associated mark), then the poke is passed through to the base agent.

?. ?=(%dbug mark)
=^ cards agent (on-poke:ag mark vase)
[cards this]

The following ?- wuthep handles the input arguments: %state is the most interesting code in this library. The code first checks whether the base agent has a /dbug/state peek endpoint already (in which case it passes it through), otherwise it evaluates the requested Hoon expression against the agent's state (obtained via ++on-save:ag).

=? grab.dbug =('' grab.dbug) '-'
=; product=^vase
[(sell product)]~
=/ state=^vase
:: if the underlying app has implemented a /dbug/state scry endpoint,
:: use that vase in place of +on-save's.
=/ result=(each ^vase tang)
(mule |.(q:(need (need (on-peek:ag /x/dbug/state)))))
?:(?=(%& -.result) p.result on-save:ag)
%+ slap
(slop state !>([bowl=bowl ..zuse]))
(ream grab.dbug)

This branch includes the use of a rare =? tiswut conditional leg change and the reversed =/ tisfas, =; tismic. There is also some direct compilation of cords taking place:

  • ++sell is a vase pretty-printer.
  • ++slop conses two vases together as a cell.
  • ++slap compiles a Hoon expression and produces a vase of the result.
  • ++ream parses a cord to a Hoon expression.


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++ on-peek
|= =path
^- (unit (unit cage))
?. ?=([@ %dbug *] path)
(on-peek:ag path)
?+ path [~ ~]
[%u %dbug ~] ``noun+!>(&)
[%x %dbug %state ~] ``noun+!>(on-save:ag)
[%x %dbug %subscriptions ~] ``noun+!>([wex sup]:bowl)

The ++on-peek arm adds several peek endpoints which expose the state (via ++onsave:ag) and the subscriptions.

> .^(noun %gx /(scot %p our)/azimuth/(scot %da now)/dbug/subscriptions/noun)
[0 0]

How the generator works

The generator explicitly injects the %dbug mark in its return cask ([mark noun]). This is a valid if uncommon operation, and it works here because the mark is never used as a transforming gate but only as a marker to see whether the arms need to pass through the values. The no-argument input is routed through the %state with an empty cord.

:- %dbug
?- args
~ [%state '']
[@ ~] ?-(what.args %bowl [%bowl ~], %state [%state ''])
[[@ *] ~] poke.args

Library authors should consider augmenting developer capabilities by exposing appropriate functionality using a wrapper agent similar to /lib/dbug.