
Challenge: Reversible Primes

A prime number is a number that is only divisible by 1 and itself, for example, 7. An emirp is a prime number that results in a different prime when its decimal digits are reversed. For example, 107 and 701 are a pair of emirps, and 3,049 and 9,403.

Palindromic numbers are not emirps. 101 is a prime and its reverse is itself -- it is not an emirp.

Your task for this challenge is write a generator that will add up all the first n emirps. To be precise, you should write a generator emirp which takes a @ud number n as an input, and returns a @ud number which is the sum of the first n emirps.

Example usage:

> +emirp 10

The first 10 emirps are 13, 17, 31, 37, 71, 73, 79, 97, 107, 113, and their sum is 638.


These solutions were submitted by the Urbit community as part of a competition in ~2024.3. They are made available under the MIT License and CC0. We ask you to acknowledge authorship should you utilize these elsewhere.

Solution #1

By ~nodmel-todsyr. A very fast and efficient solution.

:: emirp.hoon
:: Finds a sum of first n emirp numbers
|= [n=@ud]
=/ i 0
=/ sum 0
=/ number 13
=| emirps=(set @ud)
?: =(i n)
=^ x=@ud emirps (find-emirp number emirps)
%= $
i +(i)
sum (add sum x)
:: iterating only over 6k +- 1 numbers
number (add ?:(=((mod x 6) 1) 4 2) x)
:: Finds a smallest emirp which is greater than or equal to x.
:: Adds flipped emirp to the set of emirps
:: If emirp is in the set, returns it immediately
++ find-emirp
|= [x=@ud emirps=(set @ud)]
^- [@ud (set @ud)]
=/ flipped (flip x)
?: (~(has in emirps) x)
[x emirps]
?: &(!=(x flipped) (is-prime x) (is-prime flipped))
[x (~(put in emirps) flipped)]
$(x (add ?:(=((mod x 6) 1) 4 2) x))
:: Checks if x is a prime.
++ is-prime
|= [x=@ud]
^- ?
?: (lte x 3)
(gth x 1)
?: |(=((mod x 2) 0) =((mod x 3) 0))
=/ limit p:(sqt x)
=/ j 5
?: (gth j limit)
?: |(=((mod x j) 0) =((mod x (add 2 j)) 0))
$(j (add j 6))
:: Flips a number.
++ flip
|= [number=@ud]
^- @ud
=/ m 0
=/ rip (curr div 10)
=/ last (curr mod 10)
?: =(number 0)
%= $
number (rip number)
m (add (mul 10 m) (last number))

Solution #2

By ~ramteb-tinmut. Well-commented, easy to read, and fast.

:: emirp.hoon
:: Return the sum of the first n emirp numbers
|= target=@ud
=/ emirp-candidate 13 :: starting at the first emirp makes sense
=| emirps=(list @ud)
++ sieve
:: When the target is reached, sum the list of emirps
?: =(target (lent emirps))
?~ emirps
(add i.emirps $(emirps t.emirps))
:: Whilst below target, recurse on is-emirp after incrementing
%= sieve
emirps (is-emirp emirp-candidate)
emirp-candidate (add emirp-candidate 1)
++ is-emirp
|= candidate=@ud
=/ reversed (reverse-ud candidate)
:: Check if candidate number is a palindrome
?: !=(reversed candidate)
:: Is it also a prime?
?: (is-prime [candidate (sqt candidate)])
:: Check if the reverse is also a prime:
?: (is-prime [reversed (sqt reversed)])
:: Success! - store the emirp
(into emirps 1 candidate)
:: The reverse is not a prime:
:: Not prime
:: Palindrome & invalid
++ is-prime
=/ divisor 2
|= [candidate=@ud root=[@ @]]
:: Fastest check first - has the divisor reached our input candidate?
?: =(candidate divisor)
:: Ensure non-zero modulo
?: =((mod candidate divisor) 0)
:: If not a prime, then number must have a divisor less than or equal to its square root. There's an edge case if the square root is not a whole number, in which case we need to round up:
?: &(=(+3.root 0) (gth divisor +2.root))
?: (gth divisor (add 1 +2.root))
:: Increment divisor and repeat
%= $
divisor (add divisor 1)
++ reverse-ud
|= number=@ud
^- @ud
=/ reversed 0
:: Return reversed @ud when number reaches zero
?: =(0 number)
:: Otherwise loop until all digits are swapped:
=. reversed (add (mul 10 reversed) (mod number 10))
$(number (div number 10))

Unit Tests

Following a principle of test-driven development, the unit tests below allow us to check for expected behavior. To run the tests yourself, follow the instructions in the Unit Tests section.

/+ *test
/= emirp /gen/emirp
++ test-01
%+ expect-eq
!> `@ud`13
!> (emirp 1)
++ test-02
%+ expect-eq
!> `@ud`30
!> (emirp 2)
++ test-03
%+ expect-eq
!> `@ud`169
!> (emirp 5)
++ test-04
%+ expect-eq
!> `@ud`638
!> (emirp 10)
++ test-05
%+ expect-eq
!> `@ud`6.857
!> (emirp 25)
++ test-06
%+ expect-eq
!> `@ud`32.090
!> (emirp 50)
++ test-07
%+ expect-eq
!> `@ud`115.370
!> (emirp 100)
++ test-08
%+ expect-eq
!> `@ud`4.509.726
!> (emirp 500)