L2 Actions

There are a total of eleven layer 2 actions, each corresponding to a familiar layer 1 action: %transfer-point, %spawn, %configure-keys, %escape, %cancel-escape, %adopt, %reject, %detach, %set-management-proxy, %set-spawn-proxy, and %set-transfer-proxy. Descriptions of what these actions do may be found by searching for them at Azimuth.eth.

Once a ship moves to layer 2, the owner will still utilize the same private keys they used before the transfer to perform Azimuth actions. This includes the ownership key as well as proxies. Stars and galaxies may move their spawn proxy to layer 2 while otherwise remaining on layer 1, but it is not possible to transfer only the management proxy to layer 2; it may only happen as a side-effect of transferring ownership to layer 2.

Moving a pre-existing ship to L2

In order to move your ship from layer 1 to layer 2, transfer ownership of your ship to the address 0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111. The easiest way to accomplish this is using Bridge. The Azimuth smart contracts interpret any ship at this address as being on layer 2.


Layer 2 Azimuth data for a given ship includes which layer that ship is on. We call this the ship's dominion. There are three dominions: %l1, l2, and %spawn. Planets may exist in dominion %l1 or %l2, stars may exist in any of the three dominions, and galaxies may exist in dominion %l1 or %spawn. We detail what this means in each case in the following.


Permitted dominions: %l1, %l2.

%l1 planets

Permitted layer 2 actions:

  • owner: %escape, %cancel-escape
  • management proxy: %escape, %cancel-escape
  • transfer proxy: none

A planet in dominion %l1 is said to exist on layer 1, which is the default state for all planets prior to the introduction of naive rollups. In addition to the ordinary layer 1 Azimuth actions a planet can perform, they may also choose to %escape or %cancel-escape on layer 2 using either their ownership key or management proxy. See the layer 2 sponsorship section for more information on layer 1 ships performing layer 2 sponsorship actions.

Layer 1 planets may also move to dominion %l2 by depositing their ownership to the layer 2 deposit address.

%l2 planets

Permitted layer 2 actions:

  • owner: %transfer-point, %configure-keys, %escape, %cancel-escape, %set-management-proxy, %set-transfer-proxy
  • management proxy: %configure-keys, %escape, %cancel-escape, %set-management-proxy
  • transfer proxy: %transfer-point, %set-transfer-proxy

A planet in dominion %l2 is said to exist on layer 2. A planet may be on layer 2 either by previously being a layer 1 planet deposited to the layer 2 address, or by being spawned by a star in dominion %spawn or %l2, in which case it will always be on layer 2.

A layer 2 planet is no longer capable of performing any layer 1 actions, and cannot move to layer 1.


Permitted dominions: %l1, %spawn, %l2.

%l1 stars

Permitted layer 2 actions:

  • owner: %escape, %cancel-escape, %adopt, %reject, %detach
  • management proxy: %escape, %cancel-escape, %adopt, %reject, %detach
  • spawn proxy: none
  • transfer proxy: none

A star in dominion %l1 is said to exist on layer 1, which is the default state for all stars prior to the introduction of naive rollups. In addition to the ordinary Azimuth actions a star can perform, they may also perform any sponsorship-related actions on layer 2.

A %l1 dominion star may move to dominion %spawn by depositing its spawn proxy to the layer 2 deposit address, or may move to dominion %l2 by depositing its ownership to the layer 2 deposit address. Both actions are irreversible.

%spawn stars

Permitted layer 2 actions:

  • owner: %escape, %cancel-escape, %adopt, %reject, %detach, %spawn, %set-spawn-proxy
  • management proxy: %escape, %cancel-escape, %adopt, %reject, %detach
  • spawn proxy: %spawn, %set-spawn-proxy
  • transfer proxy: none

A star in dominion %spawn is said to exist on layer 1.

A star in dominion %spawn may spawn planets directly on layer 2, but will no longer be able to spawn layer 1 planets and will no longer be able to set its spawn proxy on layer 1. All other layer 1 Azimuth actions may still be performed by the star.

A star moving from %l1 to %spawn has no effect on sponsorship status of any of its sponsored planets. Moving to %spawn from %l1 is currently irreversible - the only further change to dominion permitted is moving to %l2.

%l2 stars

Permitted layer 2 actions:

  • owner: %transfer-point, %spawn, %configure-keys, %escape, %cancel-escape, %adopt, %reject, %detach, %set-management-proxy, %set-spawn-proxy,%set-transfer-proxy
  • management proxy: %escape, %cancel-escape, %adopt, %reject, %detach, %configure-keys, %set-management-proxy
  • spawn proxy: %spawn, %set-spawn-proxy
  • transfer proxy: %transfer-point, %set-transfer-proxy

A star in dominion %l2 is said to exist on layer 2. A star may exist on layer 2 by being deposited to the layer 2 deposit address from layer 1, or by being spawned by a %spawn dominion galaxy.

A star in dominion %l2 cannot perform any layer 1 actions.


Permitted dominions: %l1, %spawn.

%l1 galaxies

Permitted layer 2 actions:

  • owner: %adopt, %reject, %detach
  • management proxy: %adopt, %reject, %detach
  • spawn proxy: none
  • transfer proxy: none
  • voting proxy: none.

A galaxy in dominion %l1 is said to exist on layer 1, which is the default state for all galaxies prior to the introduction of naive rollups. In addition to the ordinary Azimuth actions a galaxy can perform, they may also perform any sponsorship-related actions on layer 2. %l1 galaxies can perform all the usual layer 1 Azimuth actions, and may also perform layer 2 sponsorship actions.

A %l1 dominion galaxy may move to dominion %spawn by depositing its spawn proxy to the layer 2 deposit address. This action is irreversible. Note, however that the majority of galaxies already have all of their stars spawned in the Linear Star Release Contract. Layer 2 has no interactions with this contract - all stars released in this manner are %l1 dominion stars. Moving to the %spawn dominion has no effect on sponsorship status.

%spawn galaxies

Permitted layer 2 actions:

  • owner: %adopt, %reject, %detach, %spawn, %set-spawn-proxy
  • management proxy: %adopt, %reject, %detach
  • spawn proxy: %spawn, %set-spawn-proxy
  • transfer proxy: none
  • voting proxy: none

Galaxies may either remain on layer 1, or, similar to stars, they may deposit their spawn proxy to layer 2. They cannot move their ownership, management proxy, or voting proxy to layer 2. However, as with stars, sponsorship actions may be performed on layer 2 using the ownership or management proxies regardless of the dominion status of the galaxy.