Index File

Each desk with docs may include a doc.toc file in its root. A doc.toc file looks something like this:

/dev Developer
/hark-store Hark-store
/overview/udon Overview
/types/udon Data Types
/pokes/udon Pokes
/paths/udon Subscription Paths
/scry/udon Scry Endpoints
/settings-store Settings-store
/overview/udon Overview
/types/udon Data Types
/pokes/udon Pokes
/paths/udon Subscription Paths
/scry/udon Scry Endpoints

Each line contains a pair of path and title with at least one space in between. A path with a single element (such as /dev and /hark-store) denotes a directory. A path with two elements (such as /overview/udon) denotes a file, where the first element is the name and the second is the mark.

Any directory structure and depth is allowed. The hierarchy is determined by indentation. Each double-space indent denotes a nesting level. Two spaces is one level, four spaces is two levels, etc.

The root is the /doc directory of your desk, it should not be explicitly listed.

The title specified will be displayed at the top of the document and in the table of contents for the desk.

If no doc.toc file is included, but a desk does have other files under /doc, the Docs app will infer a table of contents from the directory structure, and all files will be included. Files are ordered alphabetically, except that 'overview' always come first. For titles, hyphens in the filename are replaced with spaces and the whole is converted to Title Case.