Scry Reference

Here are Lick's scry endpoints. There's only a few and they're mostly just useful for debugging. All of Lick's scries are specified by a care. The desk field in the beak must be empty (%$, e.g. /=//=).

The only novel data type is a name, which is just a path representing the name of a socket.

%a - Read ports

A scry with a care of %a will return a list of all registered IPC ports.

.^((list name:lick) %la /=//=/ports)
~[/hood/reciept/control /slick/control]

%d - Port owner

A scry with a care of %d and the socket name in the spur will return the duct of the IPC port owner in a unit, which is null if the socket doesn't exist.

.^((unit duct) %ld /=//=/[port-name])
[~ [i=/gall/use/slick/0w3.IZWEn/~nec t=[i=/dill t=~[//term/1]]]]

%u - Port existance

A scry with a care of %u and the socket name in the spur will return a ? which is %.y if the socket exists in Lick's state.

.^(? %lu /=//=/slick/control)